Individual Details

Kellar Fry

(1820 - 1883)

Never married.

1860 Census. Salt River Twp, Knox, MO, Hh 1022
John Norris, 31 Farmer, b. OH
Mariah J., 25, b. OH
Mary E., 3, Missouri
Ema, 9 months, Missouri
Caler Fry, 40, b. MO

Knox County Democrat, Edina, MO, 16 March 1883
Died of pneumonia at his home near Novelty, Mo., on the 28th day of February, 1883, Mr. Kellar Fry, in the 63rd year of his life.
Bro. Fry was born in Lexington, KY, June 16, 1820. He came to Palmyra when a child and lived in Marion until his removed to Knox County, about the year 1857. He was never married but was known throughout the country as an honest, industrious and frugal man. He possessed a considerable property in Knox and Marion counties, which he bequeathed to his nephews and niece, children of Mrs. Pauline Stinson(sic) deceased. To these orphan children he had been as a father. None of Bros. Fry's relatives were present during his sickness or at his death, but he was in the hands of kind friends who knew him well, loved him dearly and nursed him tenderly. His nephew Wm. F. Stinson (sic) of Fayetteville, Ark., arrived about 12 hours after his death. Bro. Fry was a member of the Christian Church at Novelty, where he was highly esteemed by a large circle of brethen and friends. The universal verdic is, that he was a good man, honest, honorable and prompt. He died, perhaps without an enemy and sincerely mourned. He was buried on the first day of March at Eucebia in Knox County, Mo. A discourse to hi memory was delivered by the writer on the 11th day of March, in the Christian Church at Novelty, in the presence of a large assembly of his former neighbors.
E. C. Browning.




FatherDr. Jacob Fry (1790 - 1850)
MotherRebecca Kellar (1794 - 1852)
SiblingElvira Fry (1813 - 1841)
SiblingPauline Fry (1818 - 1846)