Individual Details


( - 27 Sep 1676)

Encyclopedia of Massachusetts, Birographical-Genealogical, 1916, Published by the American Historical Sociey, William Richard Cutter, p.47
"James Allen, the first of the family in this country, was a grandson of Reginald Allen of Colby, County Norfolk, England, and came to Dedham with his uncle, the Rev. John Allen, about 1637. He was admitted to the church, October 2, 1646, and made a freeman, May 26, 1647. He was one of the first thirteen proprietors of the town of Medfield and he became a large landowner there. His will was dated September 23, 1670. He married, in Dedham, March 16, 1638, Ann Guild, who died in Medfield, March 29, 1673. Children born in Dedham, except the younges: John, born December 4, 1639; Martha and Mary, December 11, 1641; Sarah, May 4, 1644: James, April 28, 1646; Nathaniel, August 29, 1648, and Joseph, mentioned below (see his notes)."

Genealogical & historical sketches of the Allen family of Dedham & Medfield, MA, 1637-1890
NOTE: The book discusses James Allen, but then only his son Joseph and only five of the ten sons of Joseph.
Excerpts from p.6-7 James came over in 1639, designated a freeman in 1647. Part of company formed in 1649 to found a settlement in the western part of Dedham to be incorporated as Medfield. The Rev. John Allin said in his will, dated 23, 1671 "I give and bequeath to my cousin (nephew in this time period) James Allin, of Medfield, twenty shillings".
Excerpts from p. 13f, "The Allen Family"
James Allen said to be a grandson of Reginald Allin of Colby, Norfolk, England, arriving in Dedham with his uncle, Rev. John Allen, about 1637.
6 Apr 1638 - "Jeames Allen accepted to have sixe acres layd out for him..."
Made freeman, 26 May 1647.
1649. Inhabitants of Dedham formed a company to settle at Boggestow, on the Charles River - now Medfield. James Allen was one of the first 13 proprietors and the fifth granted land.. 19 Jun 1650 - he had laid out one of 13 house lots.
Will dated 23 Sep 1676 - house & barn to son-in-law, Joseph Clark. Son Nathaniel had previously been given the homestaed.
James married in Dedham 16, Mar 1638 to Ann Guild. Children all born in Dedham except the youngest
1. John, b. 4 Dec 1639; bapt. 11 Oct 1646. Never married. d. 3 Jul 1696.
2. & 3. Martha & Mary, b. 11 Dec 1641; bapt. 11 Oct 1646. Martha married 22 Dec 1663 to William Sabin. Mary married 25 Jun 1663 to Joseph Clark.
4. Sarah, b. 4 May 1644; bapt. 11 Oct 1646. Married 15 Jan 1666 Domingo White - named in her father's will
5. James, b. 28 Apr 1646; bapt. 11 Oct 1646. Married 12 Dec 1674, Lydia Adams
6. Nathaniel, b. 29 Aug 1648; bapt. 3 Sep 1648. Married 1st in Apr 1674, Mary Sabin who died Feb 1674; married 2nd in Boston 10 Apr 1677 to Mary Frizzzel. Nathaniel died Medfield, 1718.
7. Joseph, b. Medfield, 24 Jun 1652. In 1673, he was granted two lots of land - one between land owned by his father (below Samuel Wight's) and the road leading to Goodman Morse; the other between his father's land ant that owned by Samuel wight. He was a cooper. Made freeman, 11 Oct 1682. Married in Seakonk (Rehoboth, 10 Nov 1673, Hannah Sabin. Died in Medfield 14 Jan 1703. Children all born in Medfield.

Dedham Marriages:
James Allen & An Guild, were married 16th day, 1st month (March), 1638.

Dedham Church Records:
Jeames Allin was received into ye church 2nd day, 8th month, 1646.

Medfield Deaths
Anna Allin, w. James, Mar 29, 1672-3
James Allin, Sr., Sept 27, 1676

Massachusetts, Suffolk, Probate records (
img 334, p. 267
23 June 1676. Will of James Allen of Medfield, Suffolke Co in New England. To son Nathanael, 6 acres of upland in Medfield with the common land and 2 acres of meadow land, and 6 #'s to be paid by my executor. To son-in-law Joseph Clarke and his heirs forever my house lot with all my buildings, etc. and uplands, meadows & swamps in Medfield - provided that he care ofr me during the term of my natural life and provide a Christian burial.
To daughter Sarah White, wife to Domingo White of Lynn, 6 #'s, and to daughter Martha Saben, wife to William Saben of Rehoboth, 5# - over and above their equal share. Confirm all lands previously given my sons. Joseph Clarke to be Executor. George Barber of Medfield, Supervisor.
Signed with his mark. Wit: Samuell Bullin, George Barber.
30 Jan 1767/7 - Bullin & Barber swore they were present at the signed of the above Will.

The old book Genealogical Sketches of the Allen Family of Medfield, by Joseph Allen, 1869, adds two other children to this family - a William who left children Mary & Williams and a Benjamin who had children Benjamin, Mary & Lydia. Neither mention in the will of James Allen. This author also proposes that James Allen was kin to the Rev John Allin who had come to Dedham in 1637 as the will of the Rev has the following: "I give and bequeath to my cousin James Allin, of Medfield, 20 shillings". The will dated 23 Aug 1671. The term "cousin" had multiple meanings in this time frame - sometimes denoting a nephew or niece, sometimes a fellow member of a church.

This seems to have errors:
Headstone Inscription:
an emigrant from Scotland
died Sept. 27, 1676
son of James


Christen5 Dec 1614Norwich, Norfolkshire, England
Marriage16 Mar 1638Dedham, Suffolk County, Massachusetts - ANNA Guild
Death27 Sep 1676Medfield, Suffolk County, Massachusetts


SpouseANNA Guild (1614 - 1673)
ChildJohn Allen (1639 - 1696)
ChildMartha Allen (1641 - 1734)
ChildMary Allen (1641 - 1702)
ChildSarah Allen (1644 - 1715)
ChildJames Allen (1646 - 1691)
ChildNathaniel Allen (1648 - 1718)
ChildJOSEPH Allen (1652 - 1703)