Individual Details


( - 1657)

Robert Booth was a clerk of the York County Court, 1640-1657 and represented York Co in the House of Burgesses in 1653-54. He is often referred to as "physician" but at least one researcher believes this to be an error - he possibly attended the bedside of someone in his duties as clerk of the Court and was assumed to be a physician. No primary document has been found that refers to him as "Dr.".
Other children were likely William who married (1) Margaret Bray and (2) Mary Thompson; Humphrey who married Margaret Underwood; Thomas who married Elizabeth Meriwether (Note: Elizabeth Meriwether married Thomas BRAY, not Booth, and another daughter, Eleanor.

York Co Records: 25 Oct 1658 ...An order concerning debt due Mrs. Frances Booth, widow of Robert Booth, deceased.

Robert Booth died in 1657, leaving a widow Frances and three children, viz.: A daughter Elizabeth, who married Dr. Patrick Napier, of York county; a son Robert, who married Anne Bray, and who is mentioned in the General Court Records as heir to lands in New Kent patented by his father, and a daughter Anne already mentioned as marrying, first Thomas Dennett; second, William Clopton. Dennett's will, proved in York court August 25, 1673, names children Anne, John, Sarah, and Ellinor, and makes his "loving brothers John Baskervyle and Robert Booth overseers" of his will. Dennett calls Baskervyle "brother" because Baskervyle married Mary, daughter of Lieutenant-Colonel William Barber, one of the justices of York county (born 1602), and his wife Mary, widow of John Dennett (died before 1646), and mother of Thomas Dennett, first husband of Anne Booth. On March 24, 1679-'80, "Ann Clopton, as relict of Thomas Dennett, deceased," swore to his inventory in York court.
Swem, Earl Gregg, Institute of Early American History and Culture; “Clopton Family” in The William and Mary Quarterly, Volume 10; Williamsburg, Va.: College of William and Mary, 1902, pp. 54-58.


Death1657York County, Virginia
MarriageFRANCES [Booth]


SpouseFRANCES [Booth] (1609 - )
ChildElizabeth BOOTH ( - )
ChildRobert BOOTH ( - )
ChildANN BOOTH (1647 - 1716)
