Individual Details
James Mathewson
( - 3 Dec 1682)
Last Will & Testment dated 24 August 1682. Proved 17 Oct 1682. Wife Hannah granted letter of Administration. Sons: James, Thomas, Zachariah Wife Hannah to dispose to daughters as she sees cause. Unborn child. [Child was Daniel, b. 28 Jan 1683]
Early Records of the Town of Providence, Vol. VI, p. 47
17 Oct 1683
The last will & Testament of James Mathuson bearing date ye 24 of Agust 1682: was by ye Councill this day approoved & the Inventorey of his Estate allowed.
Bond was this day taken of Hanna Mathuson ye Excesutrix of ye deceased James Mathuson for ye performance of his afors'd will.
A letter of Administration was this day granted unto Hannah Mathuson ye Exsecutrix of ye deceased James Mathuson for ye administring upon his Estate.
Early Records of the Town of Providence, Vol. VI, p. 58-60
The inroulement of ye last will and testament of James Mathuson as followeth
I Jame Mathuson of ye Towne of Providence being weake of body yet having my perfect Memory, Doe make my last will & testament as followth.
First I comitt my body to ye dust & my Spiritt to God that gave it.
Secondly I give to my son James six score acres of land with all ye Comonage betweene ye seven mile line & ye foure.
Thirdly I give to my son Thomas Twenty one acrs of land which I bought of Daniell Browne, with Twenty acres which I had of ye Towne.
Fourthly, I give to all my Equall alike all my share of land beyond ye seven mile line.
Fifthly, I give to my son Zachariah & ye Child unborne, if it be a son; my house & land & three five acre Lotts lying up Naspatuckett River with the land at ye Round Cove, But if it be a daughter, then it all remaines to my son Zachariah.
Lastly I make my beloved wife Hannah Sole Exsecutrix of all my moovebls of household goodes, & cattells what so ever to despose to my Daughters as shee shall see cause. This being my last will & teastement, In wittnesse hereof I sett to my hand & seale this twenty foure day of August 1682:
James Mathuson his X marke
Presence of William Hopkins, Edward London
William Hopkins & Edward London did the 17th day of October in ye yeare 1682 in ye presence of ye Councill upon theire Engagement acknowledg theire hands as wittnesses to ye abovesaid will, & that ye Testator at ye making thereof was in his perfect memorey.
Hannah Mathuson, widdow & exsecutrix to ye Testator, doth also before ye Councill upon her Engagement, declare ye abovesaid will, to be ye last will of ye Testator, yt shee knowes of & yt he was in his perfect memorey at ye making thereof.
Taken before me Arthur Ffenner Asistant.
The Endorsment on ye back side of ye paper whereon ye last will & testament of James Mathuson, is, is as followth,
The will on ye other side of this paper written is at our Councill meeting October ye 17th: 1682: approved by us ye Towne Councill of Providence, in ye Colloney of Rhode Island & Providence Plantations in New England.
wittnesse our hands
Arthur Fenner Assistant
Joseph Jencks Asistant
Richard Arnold Asistant
John Whipple Junr
Nathaniell Waterman
Thomas Field
William Hopkins:
Spouse | Hannah Field ( - ) |
Child | Isabel Mathewson ( - ) |
Child | James Mathewson (1666 - ) |
Child | Thomas Mathewson (1673 - ) |
Child | Zachariah Mathewson ( - ) |
Child | Daniel Mathewson (1682 - ) |
1. The Early Records of the Town of Providence. 21 Volumes commissioned by the City Council to be collected and printed from the early records of the town. (Snow & Farnham City Printers), Book VI, Will Book 1 p.47, pp.69-71.
2. The Early Records of the Town of Providence. 21 Volumes commissioned by the City Council to be collected and printed from the early records of the town. (Snow & Farnham City Printers), Vol. IV, p.128. Date of Death..
3. Genealogies of Rhode Island Families 1600s-1800s,, Vol I (Family Tree Maker CD ROM #180).