Individual Details

Margaret Peters

(Jul 1871 - 4 Sep 1938)

Kentucky Death Certificate #23496
Margaret Jane Richardson died 4 Sep 1938 at Versailles, Woodford Co KY of tuberculosis. Born 19 May 1874 (doesn't agree with earlier census records) in Estill Co KY. She was married. Her father was Hiram Peters; mother Margaret Johnson - both born in Virginia. C. G. Richardson (probably son Clarence) of Versailles was the informant. Buried at Versailles on Sept 6th.


BirthJul 1871Kentucky
MarriageAbt 1891John P. Richardson
Death4 Sep 1938Versailles, Woodford County, Kentucky


SpouseJohn P. Richardson (1871 - 1964)
ChildClarence Grindstat Richardson (1894 - 1970)