Individual Details

Efford Richardson

(1 Oct 1884 - 14 May 1971)

He was married to Linda and their children were Lenord and Erba.

After the death of Linda, he married Margaret and their children were Debora, Alma, Earl S, Efford Jr., Roberta and Calvin C


Birth1 Oct 1884Estill County, Kentucky
Death14 May 1971Brown County, Ohio


FatherGeorge Wages Richardson (1850 - 1900)
MotherMary Ann "Polly" Gabbard (1850 - 1935)
SiblingJohn P. Richardson (1871 - 1964)
SiblingFanteroy Richardson (1872 - 1965)
SiblingFrank Richardson (1873 - 1900)
SiblingElias "Elis" Richardson (1874 - )
SiblingJosephine Richardson (1878 - 1930)
SiblingElijah Richardson (1878 - )
SiblingHenry David Richardson (1881 - 1962)
SiblingJonah Richardson (1890 - 1949)
SiblingLester Richardson (1895 - 1967)