Individual Details


( - Bef 6 Feb 1739/40)

Virginia Merchant. Partners with Samuel Haswell - Haswell & Brookes.

Letter from Robert "King" Carter to Messrs. Haswell & Brooks, July 8, 1728
Rappahannock, [Lancaster County, Virginia]
July the 8th: 1728
Messrs:Haswell & Brooks
Gent -- --
I have put on board the Williss Capt: Cobb 10 hogsheads
of Tobbo: a bill of Lading I Expect you will receive by the Ship. It is an
Entire Crop that I had the Sight of a good deal of and appeard to be very good
I am in hopes it will all prove so and will meet with an Encourag
ing market
Herein Send you are two bills of Exchange drawn
on your Selves. Capt:: Cobb: for £3. Wilson Cary for £7"5 which I
desire Credit for and am

Yor. most humble Servt:

Robert Carter generally used a return address of "Rappahannock" for the river on which he lived rather than "Corotoman," the name of his home, on his correspondence, especially to merchants abroad. The county and colony have been added for clarity to the heading on the draft.

[1] Haswell and Brooks was a London firm listed in 1740 directories of that city. Samuel Haswell was a London Assurance director in Suffolk Lane. John Brooks' obituary appeared in the Pennsylvania Gazette, May 8, 1740, where his partnership with Haswell was noted and that he had been "formerly Commander of the George, in the Virginia Trade." ( A Compleat Guide to All Persons who have any Trade or Concern with the City of London and Ports adjacent. . . . London: Printed for J. Osborn, at the Golden Ball in Pater-noster-row, MDXXXL ; and Kent's Directory For the Year 1740 Containing An Alphabetical List of the Names and Places of Abode of the Directors of Companies, Persons in Publick Business, Merchants, and other Eminent Traders in the Cities of London and Westminster, and the Borough of Southwark. London: Printed and Sold by Henry Kent in Finch-Lane, near the Royal Exchange: and by the Booksellers and Pamphlets Shops of London and Westminster, 1740. 8/12/2005. p. 39. Brooks' obituary courtesy of Todd A. Farmerie, 1/21/2013.)

“London, January 31, 1739.40,” The Pennsylvania Gazette, 8 May 1740, p. 1, col. 2; digital image, “The Pennsylvania Gazette: (1729), Volume 4,” Google Books
On Monday last died at his House near the Church at Stepney, Mr. John Brooks, an eminent Virginia Merchant, Partner with Mr. Haswell, and was formerly Commander of the George, in the
Virginia Trade.

Will of John Brookes of Mile End, County Middlesex, Merchard
Dated 24 Jan 1737/8. Proved 6 Feb 1739/40 by Samuel Haswell, Executor
Sister Joannah Edwards, widow, living in Virginia, 100#'s and forgives all debts
Sister Ann Dawson, wife of Ben Dawson of Virginia, 6#'s annuity
Brother Thomas Brookes, living at Stepney, 500#'s
Half-brother, Capt Richard Brookes, 150#'s
Nephew, Thomas Brookes, son of brother Joseph Brookes of Virginia, whom I have already advanced a considerable sum, the further som of 50#'s
Nephew, Thomas Brookes, the Leasehold House wherein I dwell (it is not clear whether or not this is the same as the former mentioned son of his brother Joseph - his brother Thomas was also still living)
John was also the recipient of a large bequest. Robert Murden by his Will of 14 Jul 1735, had assigned of the residue of the personal estate of Joseph Murden, dec'd, upon the death of Dame Mary Murden, 1500#'s to Mary Heppingstall. John, as Executor and residuary legatee of Mary Heppingstall was entitled to that sum at the death of Dame Mary Murden who was still living. John therefor gave 400#'s part to Robert Brookes, son of his late half brother Christopher Brookes who might be still underage. Note: The Brookes research papers assigned Christopher as a full brother. Christopher was married to a Mary Murden. Was John also married to a Murden?
Niece, Elizabeth Brookes, daughter of brother Thomas Brookes to receive 500#'s at age 21 or her marriage.
Small bequests to various others, including his maid and coachman and the coachman's daughter.
Friend & Partner, Mr. Samuel Haswell of London, Merchant, Sole Executor.


DeathBef 6 Feb 1739/40Stepney, Middlesex, England


FatherJoseph BROOKES ( - 1718)
SiblingCapt Thomas Brookes (1692 - )
SiblingAnn Brookes ( - )
SiblingJoseph Brookes ( - 1744)
SiblingCapt Christopher Brookes ( - 1734)