Individual Details

James Wesley Garrett

(1861 - )

1910 Census. Salisbury Ward 3, Chariton Co, MO, Hh 111
James W. Garrett, 49, married once for 22 years, Proprietor, Hotel
Prudence A., wife, 45, 4 children - 3 are living
Lola P., dau, 21
Brooks M. dau, 17
Merle J., son, 9
Robert N. Lobban, Boarder, 18, Barber, barber shop
Ashley Dameron, Boarder, 50, Marshal, City
Hariss Wood, Boarder, 28, Laying concrete, sidewalks
William Patterson, Boarder,22, laborer, odd jobs
Lon Winn, Boarder, 48, married once for 17 years, Painter, Houses
James R. Campbell, Boarder, 45, Traveling salesman, Farming implements
Levery Butler, Servant, Female, Black, 34, married once for 10 years, 2 children, works in hotel
Max Houston, Boarder, 23, Painter, Houses

On June 16, 1916, George Campbell, husband of James's aunt Sarah Winkler Campbell, died. Their store was closed, but Sarah continued to sell the remaining merchandise out of her home. It was reported that Sarah was considered to have more money than the average person and kept considerable cash at home. On January 6, 1917, her nephew, James Wesley Garrett, son of her oldest sister Charity, paid her a visit, shot her in the back of the head, and took her money, which reportedly was only a few hundred dollars. He was caught, convicted, and spent the rest of his life in prison in Jefferson City, Missouri.

The full story of this murder can be found and read in The Southwestern Reporter, by West Publishing Co. , Case before the Supreme Court of Missouri, Div No. 2, 23 Dec 1918, beginning on page 784.
State v. Garrett (No. 21046)
Details of the case reveal this was an appeal by the defendant. An error had been made in his trial which reversed the guilty judgment and sent the case back to the original court for retrial. The judge had failed to make the proper instructions to the jury regarding first degree murder. One interesting bit that came out in the brief was that Garrett had given his name as "Winkler' when renting a horse to carry him from the train to the Campbell farm.




FatherMancil Garrett ( - )
MotherCharity A. Winkler (1840 - )