Individual Details

Benoni Searles

(10 Apr 1768 - 7 Jun 1814)

Buried Stephentown Center Baptist Cemetery, Renssalaer, NY.

Renssalaer, NY Probate Records;
Letters of administration granted on the estate of Benoni Searles, dec'd, 20 Jun 1814, to Benjamin Searles & Thomas P. Adams.
Order to sell real estate of Benoni Searles, dec'd, 24 Jan 1815. Benjamin Searles & Thomas P. Adams presented on 12 Dec 1814, their true account of assets and debts of the deceased and the estate is insufficient to pay the debts. Court orders hearing for anyone to show cause why real estate should not be sold. Said deceased left eight heirs under the age of 21 - Olive, Amanda, Nathaniel, James, Prentice, Random, Mary, and Alvinza. Ephraim Bacon has appointed their guardian. The real estate is situated in the town of Stephentown on the west side of the Black River, bounded by the farms of Jacob Green, Paul Hinchley, and the river, containing just over 55 acres. It is subject to the annual payment of 3 bushels & 55 lbs of good merchantable winter wheat as rent to Stephen VanRenssalaer to be delivered at his mansion house. Debts remaining are about $110. Necessary to sell the whole for the benefit of the heirs.


Birth10 Apr 1768Stonington, New London, Connecticut
MarriageAbt 1790Abigail Adams
Death7 Jun 1814Stephentown, Rensselaer County, New York


SpouseAbigail Adams (1771 - 1871)
ChildAlvinza Searles (1813 - 1901)