Individual Details

Mary Bishop

(15 Sep 1848 - )

Daughter of William and Susan Bishop.
1860 Census. Clay Co, KY, Hh 628
William Bishop, 42. Susan, 38.
Squire, 25. Theophilus, 18. Rachel, 16. William, 14. Polley, 12. James, 10. Isaac, 6. Irvine, 4. Esther, 6. Lydia, 2.

Kentucky birth & death records show she was Susan Barrett.


Birth15 Sep 1848Kentucky
MarriageAbt 1866Willis Gabbard


SpouseWillis Gabbard (1843 - )
ChildJackson Gabbard (1868 - )
ChildSophia Gabbard (1869 - 1913)
ChildJane Gabbard (1871 - )
ChildRobert D. Gabbard (1873 - )
ChildMichael Gabbard (1875 - )
ChildBenton Gabbard (1877 - )
ChildWickliff Gabbard (1879 - )