Individual Details

Samuel Woodworth

(20 Aug 1763 - 13 Jun 1854)

Woodworth or Woodward. Samuel and Sarah were said to be of Mayville, NY - I suspect this is an error. O. Turner gives county as Montgomery Co; GNIS says Mayville is in Chautaugua Co - Montgomery County is in central eastern part of NY. There was a Mayfield in Montgomery Co.

Chautaugua County NY formed in 1808 from Genesee Co which had been formed out of Ontario Co in 1802.

Found in WAYNE SENTINEL of Palmyra, Wayne Co NY, 8 Aug 1821:
Sarah Woodworth, wife of Samuel, died 20 July 1821 in Mayfield.
It seems likely this was Sarah Allen Woodworth since there was that Samuel Woodworth living in Mayfield, even though it says Montgomery Co which is some distance from Western New York.
Also Sarah's sister Mary lived in Palmyra.
Mayville was in Chautaugua Co.

I found no indication of a Samuel Woodworth [or alternate spelling] in Chautaugua Co.

1790 Census. Montgomery Co, Caughnawaga [which later became Mayfield]
Samuel Woodworth, 1m and 1f over 16
Serenius (Cyrenius) Woodworth, 1m and 1f over 16

No Samuel in Montgomery Co in 1800. There were four Samuel Woodworths in New York, plus one Samuel Woodward in Ulster NY that I can likely eliminate. Two Samuels were in Herkimer, one in Onondaga, one Cayuga - all were between the ages of 26-45.
Cyrenius Wordworth was in Deerfield, Oneida Co; James Wells, first husband of Sally Blowers was in Mongomery Co.

1810 Census. Mayfield, Montgomery Co NY
Samuel Woodworth. 1 male and 1 female over age 45
Younger males named Woodworth were Russel, Luke & James

1820 Census. Mayfield, Montgomery Co NY
Saml Woodworth: 1m over 45. 1f 16-26, 1f over 45 [Sarah would have been at least age 50]

Online databases list a Samuel Woodworth, son of Cyrenius Woodworth & Abigail Chatfield as born in Salisbury CT, 20 Aug 1763 and dying in Mayfield [then Fulton Co NY] on 13 Jun 1854. He is given two wives - Sarah Ward Allen born about 1769 who he married 22 May 1783 in Mayfield, and Sally Maria Blowers [likely a widow]. It is possible the same Samuel married both Sarah's but Sarah Allen, daughter of Moses & Chloe would not have been anywhere near Mayfield in 1783 - the Allens had not yet come to New York - that's a puzzle to be solved.

1830 Census. Mayfield, Montgomery Co NY
Samuel Woodworth: 2m 15-20, 1m age 60-70. 1f under 5, 1f 5-10, 1f age 40-50.

1840 Census. Mayfield, Fulton Co NY [formed from Montgomery]
Samuel Woodworth: 1m 10-15, 1m 20-30, 1m 70-80. 1f 10-15, 1f 15-20, 1f 50-60
Samuel Woodworth. Revolutionary Pensioner or Military Service, age 76

Pension W.26095 is on Fold3. Samuel did confirm in his testimony that he had served as a substitute for his father, Cyrenius Woodworth, from Salisbury, Litchfield, CT. He had removed to Mayfield soon after the Revolution where he resided until his death, 13 Jun 1854. He was born, Salisbury, 20 Aug 1763 and married Sarah "Sally" Wells, widow of James Wells on 4 Dec 1821, in Mayfield. (this would be about 6 months after the death of the first Sarah) Her maiden name thought to be Blowers. Nowhere in the pension files is there any indication Samuel had been married previously, although he appeared to have a wife with him in the 1820 census - and even as far back as 1790. But it is possible Sarah Allen was a first wife.

1850 Census. Mayfield, Fulton Co NY
Samuel Woodworth, age 86, farmer, no birthplaces given
Sally, age 60
James Blowers age 21. Julia Blowers, age 20.

Find A Grave Memorial# 44491958
Birth: Aug. 20, 1762
Litchfield County
Connecticut, USA
Death: Jun. 15, 1854
Fulton County
New York, USA
Beloved husband to Sally Blowers Woodworth.
Family links:
Cyrenius Woodworth (1736 - 1815)
Abigail Chatfield Woodworth (1741 - 1813)


Birth20 Aug 1763Salisbury, Litchfield County, Connecticut
Death13 Jun 1854Mayfield, Fulton County, New York
MarriageSarah Allen


SpouseSarah Allen (1766 - 1821)

