Individual Details
William Matlock
(3 Dec 1762 - 19 Sep 1829)
(The following record was copied by Edgar Lee Matlock of Van Buren Arkansas from an old Bible bearing the publisher's date of [hard to read, but possibly 1790]. The spelling and the lines drawn across the pages are exactly as in the Bible, with the exception of the statements contained in parenthesis. This Bible was originally the property of William Matlock, born in Henry Co., Virginia December 3, 1762, or of his wife Catherine (Sevier) Matlock, who was the sister of the Tennessee Soldier and Statesman, General John Sevier. The Bible is now in the possession of Rufus Matlock of Van Buren, Arkansas. This copy of the record was sent by Edgar Lee Matlock to Chalkey Matlock of Moorestown, NJ, who received it on August 21, 1935.)
Agnefs [Agness] Matlock was born the 27th March in the year of our Lord 1753
John Matlock was born the 3rd November in the year of our Lord 1755
James Matlock was born the 6th March in the year of our lord 1758
Sary Matlock was born the 11th August in the year of our lord 1760
William Matlock was born the 3rd December in the year of our Lord 1762
Elizabeth Matlock was born the 7th October in the year of our Lord 1765
David Matlock was born the 5th March in the year of our Lord 1768
Gideon & and Catherine Matlock was born the 30th September in the
year of our Lord 1770
George Matlock was born the 13th Aprile in the year of our Lord 1774
John Sevier son of Jas Sevier was born July 14th 1791
Alocander Daugherty was born July 4, 1812 son of Alocander Daugherty
Elizabeth Sevier was born 5th of May 1815
Juliett Sevier was born 25th of January 1818
Catharan Sevier was born 3rd of December 1820
Patience Sevier was born 18th of February 1823
William C. Sevier was born 11th of October 1825
(The above were children of John and Margaret Matlock Sevier)
Martha Matlock was born Jan. 19th 1826
John E. King was born May 19th 1827
Judith D. Matlock was born February 13th 1823
John Matlock son of Wm. Matlock died March 21st 1785
Lusenda Matlock died on the 4th of January 1788
James Matlock died 27th of February 1805
Catherine Matlock wife of William Matlock Senior died 6th Sept. 1824
Margaret Matlock departed this life on 17th of November 1825 aged
about 93 years old
William Matlock, Sr. died Sept. 19th 1829
Robert Matlock son of Polly Matlock was born 21st January 1813
Bertha I. Matlock was born July 12th 1817
George W. Matlock son of Polly Matlock was born 1st June 1822
Margaret Catherine Matlock was born July 23rd 1818
Kiturah Basett Matlock was born 23rd June 1820
George W. Matlock was married to his wife Margaret Matlock March 18th 1824 (He married Margaret Bassett)
Martha Johnston Matlock was born February 24th on Thursday at 2 o'clock PM in the year of our Lord 1825
George M. Matlock was born Dec 24th 1820
Johannah Matlock & Hugh Bassett was married August the 18th 1825
Nathaniel William Matlock son of Valentine Matlock was born 25th September 1828
Elizabeth Steel Matlock was born Jany 1st 1827
Margaret Matlock was married August forth 1814 (She married John Sevier son of James Sevier who was a son of General John Sevier)
David Matlock was married August 10th 1815 (He married Martha D. Armstrong a daughter of John and Letitia Armstrong.)
William Armstrong Matlock was born June 24th 1816
Val Matlock & his wife was married July 20th 1817 (He married Mary Bassett)
Robert Sevier and his wife Katharine was married March 1st 1821
(The following thirteen children were the children of William and Catherine Sevier Matlock. Catherine Sevier Matlock was a sister of General John Sevier of Tennessee.)
1. John Matlock was born 14th March on Monday 1785
2. Valentine Matlock was born February 27th on Wednesday 1786
3. Lusenday Matlock was born 18th December on Sunday 1787
4. Mary Matlock was born January 3rd on Sunday 1790
5. Margaret Matlock was born 17th February on Friday 1792
6. David Matlock was born 4th April, on Tuesday 1794
7. George Matlock was born 4th August, Wednesday 1796
8. Catssy Matlock was born 13th October on Saturday 1798
9. Joannah Matlock was born 20th April on Monday 1801
10. Minervy Matlock was born 19th August on Saturday 1803
11. James Matlock was born 14th February on Saturday 1805
12. Betsy Matlock was born 12th of December on Saturday 1807
13. William C. Matlock was born 13th of December on Thursday 1810
Catherine Matlock was born March 18, 1818
Kitty C. Overstreet was born November 1, 1807
Rebecca P. Overstreet was born Aprile the 12th 1810
Ruthey S. Overstreet was born November 2, 1812 (Polly Preston Sevier Overstreet's children - Daughter of Governor Sevier)
[Mr. W. David Beal of 144 Forest Road, Moorestown, New Jersey 08057 writes: "While doing research on the Matlock family of Burlington County, New Jersey, I had an opportunity to examine the papers of John Wesley Haines, a well-known local genealogist, in the Burlington County, New Jersey Library. I found a 'Matlack/Matlock' file which included the attached Bible record which I thought might be of interest to Tennessee families because of the Sevier connection. "Mr. Haines had himself received his copy of the Bible records second hand, as his note indicates." Record contributed to The Greene County PIONEER.]
Birth | 3 Dec 1762 | Henry County, Virginia | |||
Death | 19 Sep 1829 | ||||
Marriage | Catherine Sevier |
Spouse | Catherine Sevier ( - 1824) |
Child | John Matlock (1785 - 1785) |
Child | Valentine Matlock (1786 - ) |
Child | Lucindy Matlock (1787 - 1788) |
Child | Mary Matlock (1790 - ) |
Child | Margaret Matlock (1792 - ) |
Child | David Matlock (1794 - 1873) |
Child | George W. Matlock (1796 - 1875) |
Child | Catey Matlock (1798 - ) |
Child | Joannah Matlock (1801 - ) |
Child | Minervy Matlock (1803 - ) |
Child | James Matlock (1805 - 1805) |
Child | Betsy Matlock (1807 - ) |
Child | William C. Matlock (1810 - ) |