Individual Details

Jordan Y. Cummings

(1805 - 1891)

Marshall County MS Probate & Will Records, Betty C. Wiltshire, 1996
Minutes of Probate Court, Vol. 2 1840-1845 (pages not numbered)
24 Apr 1844
Last will & testament of Thomas Redus, dec’d, exhibited in Court. Rachel Redus, William F. Redus & Jordan Y. Cummings, executors. Hezekiah Inman, Lodwick Vaden & Terry Datton, apptd appraisers
29 Jan 1845
Jordan Y. Cummings apptd guardian of Delia F. Redus, minor under the age of 14 and child of Thomas Redus, dec’d
Marshall County MS Probate & Will Records, Betty C. Wiltshire, 1996
Minutes - Probate Court, Vol 3, 1839-1842

LDS Microfilm #892431, Marshall Co MS Deed Books, D, E, F
DB F, p.327 4 Sep 1838 Claibourne Kyle & Beverly G. Mitchell to Jordan Y. Cummings, trustees for John B. & Delila Moore for James M. Boye and others, 13 May 1836 and other supplementals, 13 Nov 1836. For $298 pad by Cummings. Lots 376 & 377 in Holly Springs, Section 6, t4, Range 2W in the Chickasaw Cession. Same commissioners approved.

#892432 Marshall Co MS Deed Books G & H
DB H, p.607
25 Nov 1840 Richard E. Haden of DeSoto Co & Jordan Y. Cummings of Marshall Co, and Levi Cummings of the 2nd part. In consideration of loan from Seaborn Hargrow for $2095, convey unto Levi Cummings in trust the following property: part of lot #112 in Holly Springs. Pay by 1 Jan 1842, or Levi to sell to highest bidder.
Signed: Richard E. Haden, J. Y. Cummings, L. Cummings.
Wit: John Gutter, James H. ???. Ack 1 Dec 1840.
DB H, p.617
20 Nov 1840. Jordan Y. Cummings & Mary H. Cummings his wife of Marshall Co to Thomas Redus of the same. Sum of $2000 have sold to Redus the following town lots, viz. Lot 376 & 377 in Holly Springs, S 36, T4, R2W in the Chickasaw Cession. Signed: J. Y. Cummings, Mary H. Cummings. Ack by Jordan Cummings on 1 Dec 1840.

LDS Microfilm #282434 Marshall Co MS Deed Books K & L
DB K, p.215
18 Jun 1842. (very faded) Thomas Redus and his wife Rachel to Jordan Y. Cummings, all of Marshall Co for $2000. Lots 376 and 377 in Holly Springs. Signed: Thos Redus, Rachel (x) Redus
DB K, p.291
26 Sep 1842. Levi Cummings Trustee, and Jordan Y. Cummings. On 25 Sep 1840, Jordan Y. Cummings & Richard E. Haden conveyed to me a parcel of land in Holly Springs, Lots 112 fronting LaGrange Street. On 19 Sep 1842 after given six months notice at the time and place of sale in the Holly Springs Gazette, a newspaper published in Holly Springs, offered said lot at the court house door. Jordan Y. Cummings being the highest bidder the same was struck off to him for $2500. Signed: Levi Cummings. Ack 26 Sep 1842.
DB K, p.486
23 Feb 1843. Joseph Caruthers to Jordan Y. Cummings for $500. Town Lot in Holly Springs. Lot 286, containing two acres. Ack 27 Feb 1843
DB L, p.282
26 Dec 1843. Jordan Y. Cummings and Harriet his wife of Marshall Co and Albert G. Ellis of Panola Co. For $661.66. Lots in the town of Holly Springs, S6, T4, Range 2W, part of lots 379 & 380., generally known as the Ellis house lot, being part of the same property once taken by Levi Cummings from said Ellis as security for debts. Signed: J. Y. Cummings, Harriet Cummings. Jordan acknowledged the Deed and Harriet relinquished dower 26 Dec 1843.
DB L, p.735
17 Feb 1845 Jordan Y. Cummings of town of Holly Springs and Thomas A. Falconer for $200, Lot 286 in Holly Springs. Signed: J. Y. Cummings. Ack 17 Feb 1845

LDS Microfilm #282435 Marshall Co MS Deed Books M & N
DB M, p.334
9 Jan 1846 Dabney C. Hull to Jordan Y. Cummings for $4,500, all that tract of land in Marshall Co, Section one, Twp 2, Range 2W of the Chickasaw Cession. Signed: Dabney C. Hull. Ack the same day.

1850 Census, Marshall, MS, with 2nd wife.


Marriage22 Feb 1833Limestone County, Alabama - Mary Harriet Redus


SpouseMary Harriet Redus (1804 - 1844)