Individual Details

Lucinda Benton

( - Bef 1844)

A child not found in census records....
Kentucky Death Certificate #21585 for Dina Day, who died 13 Jul 1923, age 90, of heart problems.. She ws born in Kentucky and was a widow. She died in Lee Co, KY. Mordica Jameson listed as her father - her mother's maiden name as Benton, both born in Kentucky. Robert Day of Oil, KY was the informant - she was buried in Lee County on July 14th.


DeathBef 1844
MarriageMordicai Morgan Jameson


SpouseMordicai Morgan Jameson (1803 - )
ChildIrvine Jameson (1830 - )
ChildDiana Jameson (1832 - 1923)
ChildWilliam Jameson (1834 - )
ChildPatsy Jameson (1836 - )
ChildEada Jameson (1838 - )
ChildElizabeth Jameson (1840 - )
ChildBinford Jameson (1842 - )
ChildMartha Jameson (1844 - )
