Individual Details
(10 Dec 1797 - 3 Dec 1860)
Born Kentucky. 1920 Census - son Fitz gives place of Father's birth as Kentucky.
USGenWeb page for Marion County
Campbell's Gazetteer of Missouri
Marion County
....These were followed in 1819 by Arrnstrong, Wa1ker, Rice, Lake, (the wife of Burgess Lake is now living in her eighty fifth year,) McFall, Frye and Taylor. In 820 Came McFarland, Dunn, Lear, Gupton, Fort and Glasscock, who are still living, and vividly recount the story of their early dangers and hardships.
....Marion was taken from Ralls, and its boundaries defined December 14th, 1822; organized December 23rd, 1826, and the first court was held March 26th, 1827, at the house of Richard Brewer; Elijah Stapp, James J. Mahan, Wm. J. McElroy and John Longmire, justices; Joshua Gentry, sheriff, and Theodore Jones, clerk. The court adjourned for dinner, and re-assembled in the house of Abraham K. Frye, when Daniel Hendricks presented his commission from the Governor, and took his seat as one of the justices.
Note: Ralls County was formed, 1821 from Pike County and was named after Daniel Ralls, Missouri legislator.
Possible early marriage for Abraham to Betsey Lear. No sign of this marriage in family records, but it is listed in Frey Family database and recorded 10 Jan 1822 in Ralls Co MO.
10 May 1824 Patent issued to Abraham K. Frye from the land office in St. Louis, MO. Cash Sale. 160 acres in Marion Co. The SE 1/4 of Section 13, Twp 58N, Range 6W. [Same Township as patent issued to his father Benjamin.]
1 May 1826 Patent issued to Abraham K. Frye from the land office, now at Palmyra. Cash Sale. 80 Acres. The West 1/2 of the NW 1/4, Section 11, Twp 58N, Range 6W. Marion Co.
An 1827 Marion Co tax list includes Abraham K. Frye and Benjamin Frye.
In 1827, not yet having a courthouse, the court met at the house of Abraham K. Fry, in Palmyra. This was a tavern/hotel he acquired from a cousin Dr. Jacob Frye. Abraham Fry also paid a liquor license in Marion County. He is listed in "Ten Thousand Missouri Taxpayers" by Sherida Eddleman as paying taxes in Marion County in 1827.
In 1828, Abraham Kellar Fry was one of four licensed to sell spirits in Marion County. History of Marion County, p.171
During the cholera epidemic in 1833, three negroes died at Frye's Hotel [Tavern] within ten minutes. p.195
1 July 1829 Patent issued to Abraham K. Frye at Palmyra. Cash Sale. 80 acres, the East 1/2 of the NE 1/4 of Section 31, Twp 58N, Range 5W. Marion Co.
1830 Marion Co MO Census. Abram K. Frye is on the same page as John McFall.
2m under 5 [John & William] 1m age 30-40 [Abraham]
1f under 5 [Arminta] and 1f age 20-30 [Sally]
John McFall is age 50-60 and his spouse is listed as age 40-50. There are seven children still at home. There were 2m age 10-15, 2m 20-30, 1f 10-15, 2f 15-20.
10 Nov 1830 Patent issued to Kellar Fry at the Palmyra Office. Cash Sale. 80 acres. West 1/2 of the NE 1/4 of Section 31, Twp 58N, Range 5W. Marion Co.
10 Nov 1830. Patent issued to Abraham K. Fray at Palmyra. 80 acres. The E 1/2 of the SE 1/4, Section 29, Twp 58N, Range 5W. Marion Co.
14 Nov 1833 Patent issued to Abraham K. Fry at the Palmyra office. Cash Sale. 80 acres, the East 1/2 of the SW Quarter of Section 29, Twp 58N, Range 5W. Marion County
1840 Marion Co MO Census, Liberty Twp
A. K. Fry 1m under 5 [George], 3m 5-10 [Benjamin, Robert, William], 1m 10-15 [John], 1m 40-50 [Abraham]
1f under 5 [Ann], 1f 10-15 [Arminta] 1f 30-40 [Sally]
First visited Texas and made arrangements to buy land in 1844. The patent was signed by Anson B. Jones, President of the Republic of Texas. He went back to Missouri and it was 1853 before the family was actually settled in Fannin County. Ladonia was still McCowanville at this time. The first grist mill - a tread wheel with 1 horse was owned by Fry & Bradley.
Fannin Co DB B, p.264 Nicholas P. Lawson am bound to Abraham K. Fry in the sum of $640.00, dated 20 Dec 1844. Condition is that Lawson has sold to Fry a tract part of 320 acres, in Fannin Co, part of a Head right claim of sd Lawson for consideration of $100 in hand paid. Now if said Lawson shall make good title to the above to the said Fry as soon as he shall obtain a Patent from the Government of Texas, the above obligation to be void. Signed: N. P. Lawson. Wit: A. B. Marion, John Loring
DB E, p. 130 John Loring for $200 paid by Abraham K. Fry, said Tract in Fannin Co granted to Alexander Calvin Maxwell by Patent dated 19 Nov 1845. No 326, Vol. 1. On North Sulphur fork of Red River. NE corner of survey of 360 acres in name of Nicholas Lawson. Deed is given for the full discharge of a Bond executed by me to the said Abraham K. Fry, Dec 30 1844.
Recorded, 12 Sep 1850. Signed: John Loring. Wit: William Burkett, J. W. Doss
DB H, p.130 Nicholas P. Lawson & Sarah his wife of Hunt County to Abraham K. $160. 320 acres in Fannin Co. Patent for which No. 658, Vol. 6, dated 12 Jun 1851. South side of South sulphur, 17 miles from Bonham. Issued by Board of Land Commissions for Red River Co on 30 May 1839, issued 28 Sep 1841. SE corner of another survey of 320 acres in the name of said Lawson. 13 Jan 1854. Signed: N. P. Lawson, Sarah (X) Lawson. Acknowledged & Sarah signed willingly before W. S. McClure, Notary Public, 13 Jan 1854.
1850 Census, Marion Co MO, Liberty Twp, Household 447: Abraham & Sarah with all of the children except Amanda who died young.
Abraham K., age 412, farmer, property worth $1600, b. KY. Sarah 46, b. KY
All born in Missouri: John M. 23, Araminta 22, Wm. W. 20, farmer; Robert B. 18, Cooper; Benjamin O. 16, farmer; George W. 15; Ann E. 10; Henry H; 7, and FitzEdward age 2
Fannin Co DB H, p.265 Francis McCowan & Lucetta J. McCowan for $99.50 paid by Abraham K. Fry. 99 and 1/2 acres in Fannin Co. On head of Pecan Creek. Begin stake on N line of survey of 320 acres for Nicholas C. Lawson, Lawson's NW corner, corner of A. J. Erwin's survey, survey of 291 acres in the name of Francis McCowan assignee of Nicholas T. Myers, out of which this 99 and 1/2 acres is taken. Number 69, Vol. 5, dated 27 Jan 1854. 27 Apr 1854. Signed: Francis McCown, Lucetta J. M. Cown. McCowans appeared before W. S. McClure, Notary Public, and ack. 27 Apr 1854
Fannin Co DB H, p.381 Robert S. Cox is bound to Abraham K. Fry in the sum of $70. Have sold on this day to Abraham K. Fox a tract on the North Sulphur, 35 acres, bounded by Davis League,lands belonging to said Cox, lands belonging to Jackson McFarland, Burney lands. I am to make a deed to Fry as soon as I receive one. Then this obligation will be null and void. 9 Jan 1854. Signed: Robt S. Cox. Wit: John Loring, James Cummins. Proved by Loring, 21 Oct 1854.
First found A. K. Fry on the Fannin Co tax rolls in 1854. Four tracts on the Sulphur River were listed. Original Grantee, A. C. Maxwell, 320 acres, #441 (DB E, p. 130); N. P. Lawson, 320 acres, #396 (DB H, p.130); Francis Myers, 99 acres, #469 (DB H, p.265); and Jackson McFarland, 35 acres, #428 (DB H, p.381). In following years the amount of land received from Maxwell was 200 acres - this may have been an error in 1854- the number did appear to be marked over. The tax rolls remained the same through 1858. At that time, George Fry was listed but he had no land - he had come of age. Beginning in 1859, George Fry had 100 acres that had been N. P. Lawson's and his father's holdings were reduced to 120 acres from Lawson and 100 acres from Maxwell. 200 acres seem to be missing. In 1860, William W. Fry appeared with 200 acres, formerly granted to N. P. Lawson - the grantee number was the same. And this year George reports that his 100 acres came from A. C. Maxwell - he continues to record this land as Maxwell's hereafter.
It is apparent that Abraham Fry gave George 100 acres from the Maxwell tract and gave William 200 acres from the Lawson tract. In 1861, Sarah Fry, now widowed reports holdings of 120 acres from Lawson, 100 from Maxwell, and 35 from McFarland - she continues to report these three tracts until she disappears from the rolls in 1867. In 1865, Henry appeared for the first time with no land - he was 18 that year. In 1867, Henry reported the Lawson tract of his mother's of 120 acres, but the 100 acres from Maxwell & the 35 acres from McFarland were not recorded. In 1870, the youngest brother, Fitz Edward, turned 21 and reported 100 acres from Maxwell & 35 acres from J. McFarland. So in 1870, Fitz had his mother's property, part of Maxwell's & the tract from McFarland. Henry had the last 120 acres from the Lawson tract - his brother William had long claimed title to the other 200 acres. George had half of the 200 acre tract that had come from Maxwell; the other half was in Fitz's hands. In 1871, there was a slight change in ownership - Henry paid taxes on only 100 acres from Lawson but Fitz seems to have picked up the difference.
Fannin Co DB L, p.200 Abraham K. Fry for $1 and love and affection to my son George W. L. Fry. 100 acres in Fannin Co on waters of Pecan and Barnett Creeks. Begin NW corner of A. G. Maxwell's headright survey of 200 acres, N. P. Lawson's NE corner, said Maxwell's. Said Maxwell survey secured by Patent 326, date 19 Nov 1845, Vol 1 and conveyed to A. K. Fry by deed from John Loring bearing date, 12 Sep 1850, recorded Book E, p.130-131, on 2 Jul 1851. 16 Oct 1858. Signed: Abraham K. Fry. Wit: W. S. McClure, William W. Fry. W. S. McClure proved deed on 20 Apr 1859. Rec. 5 May 1859
Fannin Co DB M, p.288 (sold the land bought from McGowan - Abraham paid $99.50 and paid a nice profit) Abraham K. Fry for $1000 to Daniel S. Redner. 99 and 1/2 acres in said county near Ladonia, about 18 miles SE of Bonham, part of a survey of 291 acres in name of Nicholas T. Myers. begin N line of N. P. Lawson's headright, corneer of a. J. Erwins Survey, etc. 1 Mar 1860. Signed: Abraham K. Fry. Wit: R. S. Hunt, H. B. Cobb. R. S. Hunt proved on 2 Nov 1860.
1860 US Census, Fannin Co TX; Beat #4, p.103, household 676. A. K. Fry, age 60, farmer, b. KY. Sarah age 45, b. KY. Edward age 12 and Henry 18, both born in MO. Son George W. lives next door; son William about 20 households away next to his inlaws.
Abraham Fry left no will - he seems to have disposed of his property by deed. The following deeds were made in October 1860 - Abraham died in December that year.
Fannin Co Deed Book N, p.102 Abraham K. Fry for and in consideration of a portion assigned of my estate to my beloved wife Saray Fry, convey over to her for her lifetime, tract in Fannin Co. patent dated 19 Nov 1845. No. 326, Vol 1st 3rd Class. on North Sulphur on Pecan & waters of S Sulphur. 110 acres. 100 out of the Alexander C. Maxwell survey of 200 acres, south part. Ten acres off the Nick Lawson 320 acres tract on the east end adj the Maxwell Survey. After her death, the parcel to be vested in my son Fitz Edward Fry. 8 Oct 1860. Signed: Abraham K. Fry. Wit: E. Early, D. S. Redner. D. S. Redner proved deed 5 Jul 1861. Rec 8 Jul 1861.
Fannin Co Deed Book N. p. 103 Abraham K. Fry for portion assigned of my estate to my son Henry Harrison Fry, do convey tract in Fannin Co. Patent dated 12 Jun 1851, No. 658, Vol. 6, 3rd Class. North side of Pecan, waters of South Sulphur. 110 acres off the NW part of the N. Lawson 320 acre survey.. 8 Oct 1860. Signed: Abraham K. Fry. Wit: E. Early, D. S. Redner. D. S. Redner proved 5 Jul 1861. Rec. 8 Jul 1861.
Fannin Co Deed Book N, p. 104 Abraham K. Fry have deeded to my wife Sarah Fry, all of my personal property, directing her to settle all of my just debts, also a 35 acre tract on North Sulphur, by the Davis League, by land belonging to Jack McFarland and the Burney land. In consideration of $275.00. 8 Oct 1860. Signed: Abraham K. Fry. wit: E. Early. D. S. Redner. D. S. Redner proved on 5 Jul 1861. Rec. 8 Jul 1861. Saml. L. Galbraith, Clerk of FC
Buried Bourland Cemetery.
Spouse | SARAH A. B. "SALLY" McFALL (1804 - 1901) |
Child | John Marion Fry (1827 - 1884) |
Child | Araminta Fry (1829 - 1902) |
Child | WILLIAM WALLACE FRY (1830 - 1901) |
Child | Robert Bruce Fry (1832 - 1917) |
Child | Benjamin Oscar Fry (1833 - 1852) |
Child | George Washington Lafayette Fry (1836 - 1915) |
Child | Amanda Fry (1837 - 1839) |
Child | Ann Elizabeth Fry (1840 - 1914) |
Child | Henry Harrison Fry (1846 - 1902) |
Child | Fitz Edward Fry (1847 - 1921) |
Spouse | Elizabeth "Betsy" Lear (1797 - 1825) |
Father | BENJAMIN FRY (1775 - 1829) |
Mother | AGNES "NANCY" KELLAR (1780 - 1841) |
Sibling | John Fry (1800 - 1883) |
Sibling | James Fry (1804 - 1840) |
Sibling | Rebecca Fry (1808 - 1844) |
Sibling | Benjamin Y. Fry (1800 - 1830) |
Sibling | Jacob Fry (1810 - 1889) |
Sibling | Margaret Fry (1817 - ) |
Sibling | William Kellar Fry (1822 - 1866) |
1. The Ladonia News (Ladonia, Texas), 5 Nov 1965.
2. US Census 1920 TX Fannin County (LDS Microfilm #1821803; NA T-625; Roll 1803), Justice Precinct #4; ED 48; p.5, Household #79.
3. Beth Onan Hugenot, Frye family. Correspondence and Descendant Charts, to include information on the Kellar family.
4. Marriage Index: AR, CA, IA, LA, MN, MO, OR, TX 1728-1850 (Family Tree Maker CD-ROM #227).
5. Marriage Index: AR, CA, IA, LA, MN, MO, OR, TX 1728-1850 (Family Tree Maker CD-ROM #227).
6. The Ladonia News (Ladonia, Texas).
7. Anna Bird Casey, great-granddaughter of Abraham Kellar Fry, "A Fry Family Record" (Compiled 1978; mailed to me from Ben Ed Fry 5 Dec 1997).
8. "History of Bourland Cemetery," Honey Grove Signal, 16 Jan 1987,.6 & 7 [Copies from Charlene Parks.].