Individual Details

John Rickard

(1753 - Aft Oct 1838)

John Rickard, #S9067; received a Rev War pension.
Due to bleed-through of the heavy ink his application is very difficult to read. It is dated 3 Oct 1832; he was of Davidson Co, formerly Rowan. He was about age 79, born in Pennsylania, but had no record of his age. He served in two engagements - once in 1779 in Rowan Co he was drafted for 3 months under Capt Byars. (cannot read the second service). Jacob Goss and Jos. Smith of his neighborhood swore to his person and his service. A printed form confirm he served 6 months in all as a Private - the first time with Capt. Byars under Col. Fifer; the second time with Capt Shokey under Col. Locke. He was in the battle at Rudgleys Mill, SC.
25 Jan 1781. Maurice Ronie, LT, certified that John Richard had served in Coll. Locks Regiment in
Capt. Shokey's Company of Burk County.
He was subscribed on the pension rolls of North Carolina effective 4 Mar 1831 - his pension was issued 2 Mar 1833. He was paid through 18 Dec 1839.

Davidson Co NC Wills.
In the name of God Amen I John Rickard Sen of the State of North Carolina & County of Davidson being weak in body but of sound & perfect mind & memory thanks be given to Almighty God for the Same Me, hereunto considering the uncertainty of this mortal life, knowing that it is ordered for all once to die, do therefore hereby publish constitute and ordain this my last will and testament in manner & form following Viz. First I commit my soul into the hands of Almighty God who first gave it me - and my body to the Grave to buried in a Christian like manner -o as touching such worldly estates, it has pleased Almighty God to bless me with, I bhereby desire & request that it may be disosed of in the following manner Viz.
1. I will & desire that all my just debts be fully & justly satisfied.
2. I give will and bequeath unto my beloved wife Phebe Rickard the whole of my property that I am possessed with both real and personal, except such as is hereafter excepted, the same to be at her use will & disposal for and during her Natural life at the terminatio of whch Said estate to be disosed of as herein after mentioned.
3. I give & bequeath unto my daughter Phebe Rickard one good feath bed bedstead & furniture, one cow & calf the same to be given her at my decease. I further devise unto said phebe twenty dollars in money to be paid out of such of my estate as shall be left after the death of my wife unless she may think proper to pay the same before her decease - all of which property to be at the use will and disposal of her & her heirs forever.
4. I will & devise unto my daughter Peggy Rickard the same legacy and in eery respect after the same manner as above devised to my daughter Phebe the same to be at the use will and disposal of her & her heirs forever
5. I devise unto my  [blank space-oivously, son] Jacob Rickard the Sum of twenty dollars in Money, the same to be raised out of such of my estate as may be left after the decease of my wife, unless she may see proper to raise the same out of said estate and pay it before her death, the same to be at the use will & disposal of him & his heirs forever
6. I give & bequeath to my son George Rickard a certain tract or parcel of land adjoining the lands of Richard Owen & Jacob Richard the [blank space] being a part of the tract of land I now live on the dividing line to be a Straight line from a black oak, the corner between my lands and the lands of Jacob Rickard, running a straight line to Richard Owens line the said George taking the North end, the same containing ten acres more or less said land to be at the use will and disposal of him and his heirs forever.
7. I give and devise unto my respectable niece Elizabeth Rickard daughter of Caspar Rickard dec'd one good bed, bedstead and furniture, and one good cow & calf the same to be given her at my decease and to be at the use will & disposal of her & her heirs forever
8. I will that after the decease of my wife that if my daughters Phebe & Peggy remain single that they may have the possession, the use, profits and benefits of my lands and premises free from incumberance during their, or either of their natural life, or so long as they may remain unmarried & in my name at the expiration either of which said lands to be dealt with as hereafter deivsed. 
9. I will that at the decease of my wife that all the property or properties that she leaves belonging or in any wise appertaining to my estate (the lands excepted) be divided or sold and the proceeds equally divided, after all the aforesiad bequests is Satisfied, amongst my following Legatees Viz Mary Beck wife of Frederick Beck, John Richard, Jr, Elizabeth Young, wife of Jacob Young, Phebe Rickard, Jacob Rickard, George Rickard, Peggy Richard & Peter Rickard to be at their disposal forever.
10. I will that after he decease of my wife and at the marriage or death of my daughters Phebe & Peggy that all my lands be equally divided or sold and he money equally divided amongst all the above named eight children or legatees without reserve and that the same may be at the sole use will and disposal of them and their heirs forever.
11. I wish will and request my Son Jacob to act as a helper, a guide or guardian for his worthy & respectable old mother who is by no means able nor capable of taking the necessary case of herself and other affairs, to nourish her in every & any case of need or help both as to her person or property
12 I nominate appoint and constitute my trusty and respectable Son Jacob Rickard my executor to this my last will & testament revoking & making void all other wills by me heretofore made or subscribed making this & this alone my established will. In witness whereof I hereunto set my hand & seal this 21st October 1838 
                                                                  John (R his mark) Rickard Sr [SEAL] 
Signed, Sealed & acknowledged by the said John Rickard to be his last will & testament in presence of us}
J Winders, Henry Keply, Peter Gibbins


DeathAft Oct 1838Davidson County, North Carolina
MarriagePhoebe Winkler


SpousePhoebe Winkler (1764 - )
ChildElizabeth Rickard (1781 - 1850)
