Individual Details

Elisha Gentry

(Abt 1746 - Abt 1803)

Elisha may also have had a first wife named Hannah.
Child with Neomy include
Elisha, the eldest and Executor of Elisha's Will
Patience, perhaps the only daughter
Cain, b. 1792, Georgia, d. 1840, Benton Co, AR
and Micajah who along with Cain were designated as two youngest.
Journal of Gentry Genealogy
Vol 2, Issue 3, Mar 2002
James Bryant Gentry
Reprinted from "Gentry Family Gazette and Genealogy Exchange"
Vol 7, No. 40 & 41 (January/March 1989), p.8-66

Elisha Gentry was born ca 1746 in Virginia, a son of David and Sarah Gentry. Elisha and his wife, Neomy (Naomi), moved from South Carolina to Georgia in about 1790. Elisha and his wife, Neomy, were living in Clarke County, Georgia when Elisha died 1803. Neomy is listed as owning land in Jackson County, Georgia in 1805.

In the name of God, Amen.
I, ELISHA GENTRY, of Clarke County and State of Georgia, being very sick and weak but of perfect mind and memory, Thanks Be To God; AND as touching such worldly estate wherewith it has pleased God to bless me with in this life, I give, demise and dispose of the agency in the following manner and form: FIRST, I lend my beloved wife NEOMY GENTRY during her life all my land lying on the waters of the Apalatiha River and after her death I give the said land to my two youngest boys CAIN GENTRY AND MICAJAH GENTRY and lend my Negro Man PHILLIP to my beloved wife during her life or widowhood and after her death or marriage I give said negro to my beloved daughter PATIENCE GENTRY: AND again I give to my eldest son ELISHA GENTRY a ewe and lamb and also to ELIJAH GENTRY(two others) a ewe and lamb and to MARTIN GENTRY a ewe and lamb and to DAVID GENTRY my son I give my gray filley and the rest of my property I leave with my beloved wife NEOMY GENTRY all the rest of my stock and household furniture to dispose of as she sees best among them that she has to raise after all lawful dets is paid and the plantation whereon I now live I leave to my beloved wife to dispose of as she may think best:- AND also I leave my beloved son ELISHA GENTRY and my beloved friend JACOB MARTIN Joint Executors and Managers of all my affairs:- AND to take as much of my property, my Negro Man excepted, as shall settle and pay off all my debts: AND this is my last Will and Testament signed and delivered in the presents of us this 3rd day of September in the year of Our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Three.
Witness Present:
Daniel T. Pinkston
Isaac Luker
Jesse Sample
* * * * *
Personaly [sic] appeared before me in open court, Isaac Luker and Jesse Sample two of the subscribing witnesses to the above Will and being by me duly sworn on the Holy Gospel of God deposeth and saith that they saw the above ELISHA GENTRY sign, seal, publish and declare the within Instrument to be his last Will and Testament and at the time of his so doing he was of sound mind and memory to the best of their knowledge and belief. June 4th 1804
Signed * */ J. N. Smith, C.C.O.CC.
Recorded the 7th day of June 1804 in Ledger B.A. Folio 9
(Author's Note. This was typed from a photocopy from the Georgia Department of Archives and History; Clarke County Ordinary Court Wills, "A" Book 1802-1822; page No. 9.)


BirthAbt 1746Lunenburg County, Virginia
DeathAbt 1803Clarke County, Georgia
MarriageNeomy [Gentry]


SpouseNeomy [Gentry] ( - 1812)
ChildCain Gentry (1792 - 1840)
FatherDavid Gentry (1707 - 1765)
MotherSarah Brooks ( - 1773)
SiblingHezekiah Gentry (1729 - 1824)
SiblingDavid Gentry (1735 - )
SiblingJohn Gentry (1738 - 1820)
SiblingNathaniel Gentry (1740 - )
SiblingSimon Gentry (1744 - 1800)
SiblingAllen Cain Gentry (1747 - 1810)
SiblingElijah Gentry (1753 - 1818)
