Individual Details
Martha [Gilbert]
( - )
Martha is seen with assorted surnames and is often seens as two wives - one Martha and one Patsy. The Will of Martin names her as Martha - Patsy was the common nickname for Martha. I suspect there may have been two wives both named Martha. Byrd is one of the surnames offered, Finch another.
Logan Co Will Book H, p.168-9.
4 Feb 1837
Martha Gilbert left all of her estate to be divided equally among a son and two daughters, Miles G. Gilbert, Polly Duncan and her husband Richard, and Elizabeth Stanfield. Polly is also to have notes against them clear in return for my care until death; also she is to receive two slaves and their increase and clothing. Clothing also to Elizabeth. Slave Reuben is to have $20 and the right to choose with which heir he wishes to live. To Martha Grubbs, granddaughter, after the death of Polly Dunan, a slave and her increase and 1/3 of the cash on hand. To son Lucius Gilbert, all claims on my hands to be given him; he has received his portion. To granddaughter Cindarilla Kennedy, 1/3 of cash on hand. To Lehella Gilbert, daughter of Lucius, granddaughter, 1/3 of cash on hand.
Executor: Thomas G. Gooch. Signed by her mark.
Wit: Thomas G. Gooch, James M. Butler, A. W. Butler.
Probate: 26 Jan 1852.
WB H, p.229
Division of estate of Martha Gilbert, 10 Mar 1853. Commissioners: D. W. Poor, Absalom Miller. Exec: Thomas G. Gooch. Names Rich C. Duncan and wife; Major Stanfield and wife, Miles G. Gilbert.
Last Will and Testament of Martha Gilbert
Will Book D, pg. 168
Logan County, Kentucky
In the name of God, Amen... I, Martha Gilbert, of Logan County, Kentucky, being feeble in Body But of Sound and disposed Mind do here by Make this my last will and testament.
1st - It is my will and wish that after my decease my body be buried in a plain and decent manner my soul I assign to the hands of Almighty God in hope of a glorious immortality.
2nd - After the payment of my funeral expenses and debts any there be, it is my will and wish and I hereby bequeath all my estate of every kind both real and personal to my son Miles G. Gilbert and my two daughters, Polly Duncan and Elizabeth Stanfield, except such things as are rising after which are as follows (to wit). My negro man, Rueben, I wish to have choice of which one of my children he will live with and one he may chance to inherit him and to be bound to support him if he may become unable to support himself and I also direct that twenty Dollars be given to my Negro man, Rueben, out of any money my estate not otherwise appropriated. My Negro girl Millissa and her increase, if any, I will and bequeath to my Daughter, Polly Duncan, the right to said Negro girl and increase shall be in my granddaughter, Martha Grubbs, to be hers to do of as she may see proper. My Negro woman, Susan, I hereby will and bequeath to my daughter Polly Duncan, not to be considered in the division between her and M.G. Gilbert and Elizabeth Stanfield to be that much extra and said Daughter Polly Duncan shall further more hereby will and direct that any note or notes or claims of any sort that I may hold against my Daughter Polly Duncan or Richard Duncan, her husband, to be given to them in consideration of my board as a compensation to them for my residence with them until my death.
3rd - It is my will and wish that all my bedding and furniture belonging to the beds together with my waring apparel be equally divided between my two daughters, Polly Duncan and Elizabeth Stanfield, and no part of it it to be given to my son, M.G. Gilbert.
4th - All the property inherited by my Daughter Elizabeth Stanfield to rest in her alone and subject to her controle and to be disposed of as she may think proper and to who she please.
5th - It is my will and I hereby direct that all claims in my hands against my Son Lucius Gilbert be given up to him and he be not required to pay anything to my estate or executor and this is all I give to said Lucius, he having heretofore received of me what I consider his portion of my estate.
6th - It is my will and I hereby direct that all my cash on hand after the judgement of my funeral expenses and debts if any there shall be equally Divided between my three granddaughters, Cindarilla Kennedy, Martha Grubbs and Lehella Gilbert (Daughter of Lucius Gilbert), but this is not to include my cash notes.
7th - I hereby nominate and appoint Thomas G. Gooch as executor to this, my last will and testament, and I furthermore declare all wills made by me previous to this date to be null and void. Witness my hand this 4th day of February 1837.
X (Her mark)
Martha Gilbert
Test: Thos. G. Gooch James M. Butler A.W. Butler
State of Kentucky
Logan County
I, James E. Wright, as clerk of the Logan County Court do certify that at a county court held for Logan County at the courthouse in Russellville on the 26th day of January 1852, the foregoing last will and testament of Martha Gilbert, deceased, was produced in court, proven by the oaths of James M. Butler and A.W. Butler, subscribing witnesses thento to be the act and deed and last will and testament of the said Martha Gilbert, approved of by the court and ordered to be recorded whereupon the same together with this certificate hath tenderly admitted to record in my office. Given under my hand this 8th day of May 1852.
James E. Wright, C.L. C.C.
by David Morton, D.C.
Spouse | Martin Gilbert (1760 - 1828) |
Child | Polly Gilbert ( - ) |