Individual Details

Burwell Jackson

( - Oct 1792)

1779 Tax List:
Amelia County, Virginia Tithables 1778 – 1782
John Tabb’s List Rawleigh Parish
Matthew Jackson
4 tithes
Burwell Jackson, Robin, Gloucester

1 May 1792
In the name of God Amen, I Burwell Jackson of Nottaway County being in a weak and low state of health but in perfect memory and sound of mind do make constitute and ordain this to be my last will and Testament. First I commit my Body to the Earth to be buried in a Christian manner and my soul into the hands of God who gave it me, and as to my Personal estate I dispose of in the following manner, Viz:
Item, I give and bequeath unto my daughter Patience Jackson Dunnivant (at her freedom or marriage) one good feather bed and furniture and one horse, saddle and bridle to her and her heirs forever (the horse being valued to be worth about twenty pounds.)
Item, I give and bequeath unto my Son Ramsey Jackson Dunnivant one good feather bed and furniture with a horse, saddle and bridle valued as above, to him and his heirs forever.
Item, I given unto my Daughter Dolly Jackson Dunnivant one good feather bed and furniture and a horse, saddle and bridle valued as above to her and her heirs forever. Viz. these legacies are given to these children at their freedom or Marriages.
Item, I give unto my son Nelson Jackson one good feather bed and furniture and a horse, saddle and bridle valued to be worth twenty pounds at his freedom or marriage to him and his heirs forever.
Item, I give unto my Daughter Anne Jackson one good feather bed and furniture and a horse, saddle and bridle valued as above (at her freedom or marriage to her and her heirs forever.)
Item, All my Personal Estate whatsoever with my lands, etc. I leave unto my loving wife during her natural life or Widdowhood after which I give my land to my two sons above named to be equally divided between them to them and their heirs forever, then I give all my personal estate to all my children above named to be equally divided between them to them and their heirs forever.
Renouncing and Disannuling all and every other will or Wills heretofore by me made this to be Executed by James Eckles and John May of Nottoway County whom I choose to be my Executors to this my last will and Testament, In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this first day of May anno domini 1792.
Signed: Burwell Jackson
Test: Jas. Jones, Chas. Anderson, Edward Eckles

At a Court held for Nottoway County 4 day of October 1792
This last will and testament of Burwell Jackson dec'd was exhibited in court & proved by the oaths of Charles Anderson & Edward Eckles, two of the Witnesses thereunto & ordered to be recorded.
Teste Isaac Homes, CC


DeathOct 1792Nottoway County, Virginia


FatherMathew Jackson (1715 - 1783)
MotherAnne Dunivant ( - )