Individual Details

Clarence Irving Clark

(25 May 1866 - Bef 1940)

1870 Census. Center, Lake, Indiana, Hh 52
Sanford D. Clark, 63, County Recorder, b. New York
Sarah, 38, b. IN
Myron, 12, b. IN
Clarence 4, b. IN
Richard Fancher, 71, retired farmer, b. PA

1880 Census. Harrison, White Co, AR, Hh 94
Sandford Clark, 75, Farmer, b. NY, parents b. MA
Sarah, 48, wife, b. IN, father born NY, mother b. IN
Myron, 22, son, b. IN
Clarence, 14, son, b. IN

Marriage date of Clarence and Olive was in Family Tree database on FamilySearch - not confirmed, nor is her surname.

1900 Census. Van Buren, Crawford, AR, Hh 405
Clarence Clark, b. Mar 1866, age 34, married 8 years, b. IN, father b. NY, mother b. IN, locomotive engineer
Ollie, wife, b. Dec 1871, age 28, 2 children, b. MO as were her parents
Aura, son, b. Nov 1894, age 6, b. AR
Alverne, dau, b. May 1897, age 3, b. AR
Sarah, mother, b. Nov 1831, age 68. Had 3 children - 2 are living, b. IN, parents b. PA

In 1900, Clarence's brother Myron was living in Ft. Smith Ward 1, Sebastian Co, AR, Hh 23
Myron R. Clark, b. May 1858, age 42, married 20 years
Florence A., wife, b. Oct 1860, age 39, 5 children - 4 living, b. Iowa
Will H., son, b. Sep 1881, 18, b. AR
Madge W., dau, b. Oct 1882, 17, b. IN
Chloe I., dau, b. Dec 1885, 14, b. AR
Agnus B., b. Feb 1892, 8, b. AR

1910 Census. Van Buren Ward 2, Crawford, AR, Hh 677
Clarence I. Clark, age 44, married 18 years, b. IN, locomotive engineer
Ollie M., wife, age 39, 2 children, b. MO
Aura C., son, 16, b. AR
Alverne M. dau, 12, b. AR
Sarah J., Mother, 79, widow, 2 children, b. IN
William, nephew, 29, married once for 2 years, b. AR, fathdr b. IN, mother b. Iowa

1920 Census. Van Buren, Crawford, AR, Hh 241
Clarence I. Clark, 53, locomotive engineer, RailRaod
Alice, wife, 49
Aura, son, 26, Cotton Buyer
Alverne, dau, 22, Teacher, Public school
Chloe McConaghie, niece, 32, b. AR, Teacher, Red ?Cross
Vermon McConaghie, nephew, 3 years, 6 months, b. MO

1930 Census. Van Buren, Crawford, AR, Hh 218
Clarence I. Clark, 63, married age 25, Engineer, Steam railroad
Olive May, wife, 59, married age 21
Aura C. son, 35, married at age 30, Cotton buyer
Pauline R., daughter-in-law, age 25, married at age 20


Birth25 May 1866Lake County, Indiana
Marriage29 Nov 1892Carthage, Jasper County, Missouri - Olive May Thomas
DeathBef 1940


SpouseOlive May Thomas (1871 - )
ChildDr. Aura Clarence Clark (1894 - 1969)