Individual Details

Absolom Melton

(Ca 1730 - Bef 12 Feb 1806)

Absolom had land in Bedford as early as 1775.

Bondsman for marriage to Mary Richardson was Jabez Leftwich. There was one son by Mary, William Melton, who was only about age three when his father died.

Absolom's will names his wife Mary and the son William she had; also daughters Mabel Bryant, Lucy Branch, Elizabeth Melton, Rebeckah Burnett, and his sons Anderson, Allen, and Joel.
There are marriages in Bedford Co VA for Mabel to Thomas Bryant, Rebeckah to Joshua Burnett. Elizabeth Melton married Absolom Burnett.

Anderson Melton married Nancy Richardson, Bedford Co, 4 Dec 1787 and moved to Carroll Co in 1801 where he bought 156 acres on Crooked Creek from John Wilkes. Anderson sold this tract but bought another 200 acres from Wilkes. He filed a suit against Mary Melton, presumably his stepmother in 1807, but lost the suit and doesn't appear on tax rolls after that date. There was a chancery suit filed in 1834 by Isaac Winesett to prove he bought this land from some of Anderson Melton's heirs but could not get his deed. The six children of Anderson were not residents of Virginia at the time of the suit.

Absolom owned a tract of land in Grayson Co, now in Carroll Co, that he bought from John Fielder but the deed had not been made when Absolom died. Fielder made the deed to Mary, widow and her son William, in 1807. Grayson DB 2, p.310.


BirthCa 1730
Marriage27 Jul 1801Living
DeathBef 12 Feb 1806Bedford County, Virginia


SpouseAnn Fenton (1732 - 1801)
ChildAllen Melton (1766 - )