Individual Details

Eunice Viets

(24 Nov 1742 - 1823)

Probate Packets, Hartford, CT
Estate of Eunice Griswold, Town of Simsbury, 1823
Estate reported insolvent, Monday, 21 Oct 1823, by Ariel Mitchelson & Dudley Humphry. Samuel Griswold, Executor.
Expenses of settlement - $141.75 including payment to Bethune Baker for expenses incurred in the last sickness of said Eunice and payment for the funeral and erecting suitable grave stone.

In the name of God Amen. I Eunice Griswold of Simsbury in the County of Hartford and State of Connecticut, being of an advanced age, yet of sound and disposing mind and memory, for which I thank my God, do make and ordain this to be my last Will and Testament.
First I resign my immortal soul into the hands of an emineficient and an all mercyful creator and humbly hope that through the merits and atonement of a crucified Savior it will be received into the realm of eternal happiness and glory. My body I direct to be interred at the discretion of my Executors. The Estate wherewith God in his providence has been pleased to bless me, after my debts and funeral charges are paid, I give, bequeath, and devise as follows, viz,
I give a bequeath to my Son Elisha Griswold One hundred dollars to be paid in one year after my decease.
I give and bequeath to my daughter Eunice the wife of Butler Pinney Two hundred dollars from and after the expiration of one year after my death to be paid to her, from time to time as she may want it by my son Samuel. But if she should die before she shall have received the whole of said sum of two hundred dollars, then the residue I direct shall be paid to her children by said son Samuel, within one year after her death.
I give and bequeath to my daughter Deborah the wife of Bethuel Baker Jur the interest of two hundred dollars to be annually paid by my executors, and if she should have a child or children, who should live, then I give to her said sum of two hundred dollars, which shall be paid in one year after the birth of such child or children, they being alive, by my Executors.
I give bequeath and devise all the rest and residue of my Estate whether real of personal to my son Samuel Griswold to him and his heirs forever.
To my sons Alexander V. Griswold, Ezra Griswold and Roger Griswold and my daughter Sylvia A., the wife of Jasper D. Jones, I give and bequeath nothing but my love and affection and sincere wish for their eternal welfare. the circumstances of some of them are such that they do not need any of my Estate; and the others have already received their full proportion.
I hereby constitute and appoint my son Samuel Griswold and Elisha Phelps the Executors of this Will & Testament.
I hereby revoke all former Wills & Testaments hitherto by me made and do pronounce and declare this to be my last Will & Testament.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal at Simsbury aforesaid the 20th day of August AD 1814.
Signed: Eunice Griswold
This instrument was signed, sealed, and pronounced by the Tetatrix to be her last Will and testament In presence of us:
Joseph Moore, Daniel Marshall, Elisha Phelps
I Eunice Griswold of Simsbury aforesaid being of sound and disposing mind and memory, wishing to make an alteration in the disposition of my property, do make, and annex this codicil to my Will. I hereby revoke the legacy given to my son Elisha in the foregoing Will and instead thereof I give and bequeath to my grandson Lester Griswold, son of the said Elisha, the sum of one hundred dollars to be paid within one year after my decease. In witness whereof I have hereunto set myhand and seal at Simsbury aforesaid this 20th day of February, AD 1815. Signed: Eunice Griswold
Witness: Elisha Phelps, Plinny Case
Exhibited in Court, 28 Aug 1823, approved.
Elisha Phelps one of the Executors named in this will refuses to accept the trust.


Birth24 Nov 1742Simsbury, Hartford County, Connecticut
Marriage11 Nov 1761Simsbury, Hartford County, Connecticut - Elisha Griswold
Death1823Simsbury, Hartford County, Connecticut


SpouseElisha Griswold (1731 - 1803)
ChildSamuel Griswold (1780 - 1862)