Individual Details

Lillie ?Chapman

(Ca 1855 - )

I very much doubt that Lillie was nee Chapman. She seems to be simply living with a Chapman family as housekeeper in 1880. The Chapmans seem to have been a household of adult siblings.

1880 Census. Cedarville, Warren Co, VA, Hh 12
J. Covin Chapman, 65
Margaret, 74, sister
Lillie Holtsclaw, age 26, housekeeper
Wm Clay Holtsclaw, 7, child
Isaac Pain, Black, 18

1870 Census. Warren Co VA, Hh 221
Carr H. Chapman, age 57, farmer
Margaret, 64, keeping house
Jane, 61
John C., 55
Burl Whittenham, 48, farm laborer

1860 Census. Warren Co VA, Hh 9
C. H. Chapman, 46.
Lucy 59.
Peggy, 53 [Margaret]
Jno C., 44

1850 Census, Warren Co VA, Hh 660
Carr H. Chapman, 35
John C., 33
George, 23
Lucy, 50
Margaret, 44
Jane, 40

Since she likely was not a Chapman, I looked for other Lillie's in Fauquier Co in 1870 - in the Cedar Run area, there was only one Lillie of anywhere near the proper age. She was Lillie Peters, age 13, in the household of Benjamin & Susan A. Peters.
However, in Warren Co, there was a Lillie - nee Holtclaw - who was age 16. I wonder if the child Wellington Clayton was a baseborn child with his mother's surname - and William Baldwin Holtzclaw should not even be in this picture.
1870, Warren Co, VA, Hh 243
Alex. Holtsclaw, 61, cooper, b. VA
Sarah, 23. Cordelia, 25. Eliza 18. Lillie 16. Amanda 14. James 10. Thos. V. 21. Ida 5.
A young Geo. Chapman, age 26 and wife Alma, lived in the next household.

In 1880, Alexander Holtzclaw was in Clarke Co VA - and Sarah, age 31, was his wife.


BirthCa 1855
MarriageWilliam Baldwin Holtzclaw


SpouseWilliam Baldwin Holtzclaw (1852 - 1912)
ChildWellington Clayton Holtzclaw (1873 - 1930)