Individual Details

William Whiteside

( - )

Fred Woods: File with this William born 1689 in Antrim, Ireland; died 1769, same place. Sons Joseph, John, William.

Here is what seems to be the most accurate research on the Whitsitt family:
Whiteside and Whitsett Pioneers and The Whitsett Family of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania
By Ronald N. Wall in collaboration with William R. Whiteside

There is no indication that there was a Joseph - at least not one that came to Pennsylvania. However, there are four apparent brothers and a sister. Records indicate the presence of Ralph, John, James, William and Elizabeth. Name is spelled Whiteside, Whitesides, Whitsitt, Whittsett, etc. All of these named had some association with the pioneer Lutheran minister John Casper Stoever. Ralph Whiteside's land adjoined that of the Rev. Stoever in Lebanon Township, Lancaster, PA. All except for John also associated with James McNees/Menees. John Welch, husband of Elizabeth Whiteside, also had land adjoining that of the Rev. Stoever.

Most of this area of Pennsylvania was settled by German Lutherans from the Palatinate; it's quite likely the Rev. Stoever was the only minister available.

The Menees family also settled in Lebanon Township. One spelling the Lancast register of warrants is "Meniece", although most of the time it is found as McNees. On the milita rolls of Cumberland are James and John Meenes, likely sons of this family.




ChildWilliam Whiteside II (1709 - 1798)
ChildJohn Whiteside (1712 - 1788)
ChildRalph Whitsett (1713 - 1765)
ChildJames Whiteside (1715 - 1761)
ChildElizabeth Whiteside (1717 - 1742)
