Individual Details

Mary Eunice Taylor

(4 Sep 1876 - 26 May 1956)

Mary Eunice Taylor married Robert M. Smith, 11 Jun 1900, Navarro, TX

Texas Death Certificate #15336
Mary Eunice Smith, died 26 Mar 1956 in Corsicana, Navarro Co, TX. She died of exhaustion and cardiac failure. She was age 79, born 4 Sep 1876 and was widowed. Her father was Gideon Christian Taylor, born in Alabama; her mother Pattie Haden, born in Missouri. Mrs. Lois Thornell was informant [her sister]. She was buried Oakwood Cemetery.

Her husband Robert is also buried Oakwood Cemetery. He was born 25 Apr 1873 and died 11 May 1932. An Infant son is buried with them - no dates.


Birth4 Sep 1876Texas
MarriageCa 1900Robert Martin Smith
Death26 May 1956Corsicana, Navarro County, Texas


SpouseRobert Martin Smith (1873 - 1932)
ChildGideon Taylor Smith (1902 - 1970)
ChildLois Elizabeth Smith (1904 - )
ChildRobert Martin Smith Jr. (1906 - )
ChildJanuary Haden Smith (1908 - 1976)
FatherGideon Christian Taylor (1851 - 1894)
MotherMartha Smith "Pattie" Haden (1857 - 1929)
SiblingJoella Taylor (1878 - )
SiblingThomas J. "Jim" Taylor (1881 - )
SiblingLois Taylor (1882 - 1972)
SiblingHaden Christian Taylor (1884 - 1955)
SiblingJames Ernest Taylor (1886 - 1957)
SiblingFlorence A. Taylor (1893 - 1969)