Individual Details

Martha [Harrison]

(Ca 1770 - Abt 1820)

Although her surname is seen as Hedgepeth or Hudspeth, but there is proof cited. She was more likely Martha Beasley, daughter of Richard.

Martha was probably Martha Beasley:
3 Mar 1792 Jonathan Harrison sold 100 acres on Marshal's Creek, branch of Big River, in Stokes County, NC to Richard Beasley for 60#'s. 5 Oct 1800. Richard Beasley wrote his will, Stokes, NC and left his estate to wife Martha and named a daughter Patty Harrison. Could this have been the Martha "Patty" who was married to Jonathan's son Eli/Elias as his first wife? Elias & Martha's two eldest children are said to have been born in NC. This is not the surname usually seen for Elias's wife but then that surname has never had evidence of any proof.


BirthCa 1770
MarriageCa 1790Elias "Eli" Harrison
DeathAbt 1820Claiborne County, Tennessee


SpouseElias "Eli" Harrison (1769 - 1836)
ChildRhoda Harrison (1791 - 1865)
ChildDaniel Harrison (1792 - 1853)
ChildSarah Harrison (1801 - 1864)
ChildWilliam G. Harrison (1804 - 1856)
ChildCeleete/Selity Harrison (1808 - 1880)
ChildLavina Harrison (1812 - 1851)