Individual Details

Sarah Strum

(1783 - Bet 1870 and 1880)

Sarah's mother must have been Mary Strum, but either she married a cousin named Strum, or never married.

1829. 11 May Age: 45
Deed of Gift
Granville Co., North Carolina
Deed of Gift from Mary Strum to her son in law, John Boroughs.The gifts,originally received by her from her father,Christian Strum.

Abstracts of Granville Co.,N.C. Wills
page:34-261,262-Dec.26,1808 proved Nov. court 1812
Christian Strum wills to wife Rachel for life or widowhood, 50 acres whereon I now live, 3 Negroes, a horse, mare, cows, dogs, sheep, featherbed, and furniture. One third of household furniture, beds excepted, and at her death or marriage to be sold and divided as follows: to son Bartholomew 20 pds., to son Hezekiah 60 pds., to son William 20 pds., to son Samuel, remaining part of land and balance of 50 acres after wife's marriage or death; to each of daughters Mary and Leanna, a featherbed and furniture; if after debts are paid, any left to go to son Harrison Strum, and daughters Mary and Leanna Strum, Nancy Smith, and Elizabeth Cottrel. Mark Cottrel is indebted to me for 15pds. ,this to be taken out of daughter Elizabeth's share. If my son Harrison or daughter Leanna prove to be weak in mind, their shares are to be kept by exrs. and given them as needed. Exrs.: Woodson Daniel, William Gouch, Robert Downing. Witnesses: Payton Wood, William Smith, James Downey.


Marriage6 Dec 1803Granville County, North Carolina - John W. BURRIS
DeathBet 1870 and 1880Jackson County, Tennessee


SpouseJohn W. BURRIS (1784 - 1870)
ChildELLENDA BURRIS (1820 - 1921)