Individual Details

Jeremiah Darnall

( - )

Deed Abstracts of Prince William Co VA 1740-41
Ruth & Sam Sparacio, 1989
Includes partial Index from Missing DB C [1735-1738 and F [1742-1743]
Additions to DB A
Deed Book E 28 Jul 1740-15 Jan 1741
p.30/p.16-172 23 Mar 1740 Jeremiah Darnal & Catherine his wife of Hamilton Parish to John Wright. 236 acres part of great tract taken up by Waugh Darnall, father to Jeremiah. Wit: Jacob Holtzclaw, George Crump

An abstract of his will states the following:
Wife: Catherine Darnall
Children Elizabeth Sinclair, Joseph, Ann Weaver, Mary Russell, Margaret Sinclair, Susannah Smith, Leannah Ashby, Caty Darnall, Rosamond Darnall.
Granddaughter, Lucy Ashby. Exr James Wright (friend), Wit: William Weaver, John Martin, Henry Kearns.
King, Estelle Stewart, "Wills, Administrations and Marriages, Fauquier Co, Virginia 1759-1800" SLCFHL film 1036440, item 3.

Page 247 – Will Book Two – Abstracts of Fauquier County Wills (on PAGES 368-369: JEREMIAH DARNALL (WILL) DATE: 10 APRIL 1795 WIFE: Catherine – all my Estate both “rale and personal during her life” DAU: Elizabeth Sinclor – tract of land whereon she now lives, 130 acres and 49 acres “joining the same whereon my son Joseph Darnall formerly lived” to her and her heirs forever. DAU: Ann Weaver – L50 Son: Joseph – 300 a. “of my Kentucky land to be laid of in any convenient manner joining any two of the outlines.” Dau: Mary Russell – 300 acres “of Kentucky land joining the land given to my son Joseph” Dau: Margaret Sinclor – 300 a. of my Kentucy land joining the land given to Mary Russell Dau: Susannah Smith – 20 a. “the reason why I give her no more is because she is already provided for.” Dau: Leannah Ashbey – 215-1/2 a. “being part of the tract I sold to Josiah Fishback.” Dau: Caty Darnall – “all my land lying on the South west side of licking run it being part of the tract of land whereon I now live” also “the Tavern with five acres of land to be laid of in such manner as to include all the houses and gardin and join Colo’l. Randolph line.” Dau: Rosamond Darnall – the house wherein I now live and all the land lying on the North East side of licking run except the five acres given to my dau. Caty. Daus.: Rosamond and Caty – after the decease of my wife that my daus. have full passion of the land devised to them. Als all “Negroes stock of all kinds and household furniture to be equally divided, except one negro Garl named Silvey which I gave to my grand dau. Lucy Luess Ashby.” Exor.: friend James Wright – to sell “balance of my Kentucky land and 100 acres of land lying in Fauquier County and on the Broad run Mountain.” Signed: Jeremiah Darnall Wit.: Tilman Weaver; John Martin; Henry Kerns Proved: 22 June 1795, by o. of Henry Kerns, Tilman Weaver, John Martin. James Wright made o. with Tilman Weaver, John Martin and John Mauzy his securities under bond of $10,000, and granted cert. to obtain probate.


SpouseCatherine Holtzclaw (1722 - 1810)
ChildAnn Darnall (1744 - 1775)
ChildJoseph Darnall (1750 - 1812)
FatherWaugh Darnall ( - )