Individual Details

Jan Schenck

(1 Mar 1669 - 30 Jan 1753)

Book F of wills, pg 26
In the Name of God Amen:
The seventh day of September in the twentieth year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Second by the grace of God over Great Britain King, etc. Anno Domini one thousand seven hundred and fourty-six, I, John Schenck, Sen., of Middletown in the County of Monmouth and Eastern Division of the Province of New Jersey, yeoman, being in health of body and of sound and perfect mind and memory thanks be given to God; therefore calling unto mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to Die, do make and ordain this my last will and Testament. That is to say Principally and first of all I give and recommend my Soul into the hands of God that gave it, and my Body I recommend to the Earth to be buried in Christian like and decent manner at the discretion of my Executors hereafter mentioned, nothing doubting but at the General Resurrection I shall receive the same again by the mighty power of God; and as touching these worldly things and Estate wherewith it has pleased God to bless me in this life, I give, Devise and Dispose of the same in manner and form following. Viz: Imprimis I Will and positively Order that all my Debts and Funeral charges be paid and fully discharged in convenient time after my Decease by my Executors hereafter mentioned. Item: I give and bequeath to Sarah, my dearly beloved wife (and hereby order that she shall have) the full and sole use and possession and benefit of all and singular my Estate Real and Personal after my decease of what nature or kind soever or wheresoever the same may be found to be belonging to me, by any way or means whatever the use benefits and profits thereof, and every part and parcel thereof to be received by and belong unto her for and during her natural life. That is to say for the support of herself and maintenance of my loving son John Schenck, so long as my above said wife's natural life shall continue. Item: I give, bequeath and Devise unto my aforesaid son, John Schenck, after the decease of my aforesaid loving wife, Sarah Schenck, all and singular my Lands and Tenements, meadows and Rights to Lands and meadows that I shall die possessed of or that shall by any way or means belong unto me at the time of my decease; the same immediately after the decease of my aforesaid wife, to be received held possessed and Enjoyed by my said son, John Schenck, his heirs and assigns forever, to his and their own proper use, benefit and behoof forever. He performing, fulfilling and paying what is hereinafter by me appointed for him to pay and discharge as legacies to his brothers and sisters as follows: Viz: It is my will and desire and I do hereby order that my said son, John Schenck, shall pay unto my two sons, Roelof and Peter, and their seven sisters in equal portions the sum of four hundred and fifty pounds current money of the Province aforesaid at eight shillings the ounce; the one half in two years and the other half in five years after the Decease of the longest liver be it either me or my wife; that is twenty-five pounds to each of my said nine children at two years and twenty-five pounds more to each of them at the end of five years after the decease of the longest liver of us two; that is me and my wife. I do further order and it is my will and desire that the fifty pounds that falls to my daughter Sarah be equally divided between my said Daughter Sarah and all her children, as well as those she had by Johannes Voorhees, as those she had by Hendrick Voorhees; also in case of the Death of either of my two sons or seven daughters or that one or more of them should die before they have received their part of the said sum of four hundred and fifty pounds, then my will and desire is and I do hereby strictly charge and order that the share or part thereof that should be paid to such so Dying shall be by my said son John, paid to the Heirs of their Body or Bodies them surviving; also it is my will and desire that after the decease of the longest liver of us two; that my said son John shall have his outfit of my movable Estate in quantity and quality equal with his Brothers and Sisters as they had of me when they left me, and if any of my movable Estate be then left, I will and devise it may be equally divided between all my children. And in case my said Son John Dies before he is seized and possessed of the said Estate in fee simple, then I give and bequeath the same to my two sons and seven daughters, viz: that the whole Estate given as above said to my said Son John shall be sold to the highest bidder amongst my children, and the money thence arising shall be equally Divided amongst my two sons and seven daughters in the same manner as the aforesaid four hundred and fifty pounds is to be Divided in every respect whatever. But it is my Will and Desire anything herein contained to the contrary notwithstanding that my said Son John at the time of his Decease have issue of his Body, lawfully begotten altho it be before he is in actual possession; that if his Ex. shall perform in every particular what is herein by me ordered; that then the whole Estate given to him as aforesaid shall be and remain to his lawful Heirs and assigns forever. Item: I Give and bequeath unto my Son, Roelof Schenck, the sum of Ten pounds money at eight shillings to the ounce with interest, to Barr him of further Claims to my Estate or part thereof either Real or Personal as Heir-at-Law or otherwise (except what is herein before given and bequeathed to him) the sum of Ten pounds to be paid to him by my Executors in convenient time after my Decease. And lastly I do hereby make, ordain, constitute and appoint my beloved wife, Sarah Schenck, and my loving Son, Roelof Schenck, Executrix and Executor of this my last Will and Testament hereby utterly disallowing, revoking and disannulling all and every other former Testament, Wills, Legacies and Bequests and Executors by me in any wise before named willed and bequeathed, ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my last Will and Testament. In witness whereof I have here unto Set my Hand and Seal, this day and year above written. JAN SCHENCK. [L.S.] This Will contained in two half side sheet of paper, the one of fourty-seven lines, the other of fourty-one line without any alterations or interlination was signed, sealed and pronounced by the said Jan Schenck, to be his last Will and Testament in Presence of Roelof Couvenhoven, Garret Schenck, Tho. Craven.
The foregoing is a true copy Executed by


Birth1 Mar 1669Flatlands, Kings County, Long Island, New York
Marriage1 Oct 1692Flatlands, Kings County, Long Island, New York - Sarah Willemse Couwenhoven
Death30 Jan 1753Monmouth County, New Jersey


SpouseSarah Willemse Couwenhoven (1674 - 1761)
FatherRoelof Martense "Martin" Schenck (1630 - 1705)
MotherNeeltje Garretse Van Couwenhoven ( - 1674)
SiblingMarten Roelefse Schenck (1661 - 1727)
SiblingAnnetje Schenck (1663 - )
SiblingJonica Schenck (1665 - )
SiblingMarika Schenck (1667 - )
SiblingGarret Roelofse Schenck (1671 - 1745)