Individual Details
John Loomis
( - 1619)
"UK, Extracted Probate Records, 1269-1975" on
Index to Wills preserved in the Essex Record Office, Chelmsford, includes:
1619, Lomas, Loomes, John, tailor, Braintree
1619, April 14. Will on file in the court of the Commissary of the Bishop of London for the counties of Essex and Hertford:
In ye name of God Amen, I John Loomis of Braintre in ye County of Essex Tayler (sic - tailor) being sick of bodye but of perfect and wholl minde and carefull to prepare my selfe for ye enjoying of a better life Do make and ordeyne this my last will and Testament the fourteenth Daye of Aprill in ye yeere of our lord god 1619 In manner and forme following: first I comend my soule into ye hands of almighty god my creator. And my vile and corruptible body to ye earth from whence yt was taken wth a sure hope and sound perswacon by my faith in ye mirritts of Jesus Christ my Redemer to have this my body changed into a glorious being at ye last Day in his heavenly Kingdome.
Item I will that Joseph Loomismy sonn shall have my little Tenement or Dwelling house standing and being in Braintre aforesaid wherein John Lunt now dwelleth at ye Rate of forty pounds towards ye payment of my Debts wth a Garden plott thereto belonging adjoyning nere unto his owne. And also one Stable standing nere the markett Crosse in Braintre at ye Rate of Thirtye pounds or to be soul to the uttermost that may be made of yt. Item I will that all my hushould stuffe and moveable goods shale be praysed and my son Joseph to have tenn pounds worth of them as shall seeme fit to him for his owne use.
Item I give to Marye Brooke ye Daughter of Ralph Brooke five pounds out of my said moveables.
Item my will is that all my Debts and funeral charges being Defraied and paied my fower Daughters (viz) Ann Warr, Sara Burton, Elizabeth Preston and Jane Pengelly have ye Remaynder and overplus as well of he said houses as also of ye [moveables] equally to be divided among them parte and parte like to [them and their] heires or assignes. All wch my will and meaning [is the same shall] not be performed until one half years next [after the] deseace of Agnis my loving wife whom I will to enjoye said moveables whatsoever During her naturall life.
And I make and ordeyne my said sonn Joseph Executor of this my last will and Testament Revoking all former whatsoever. And I request my sonne in law Willm Preston to be Supervisor to yt performed according to my true intent and meaning. In Wines whereof I have heerunto sett my hand and seale the Day and yeere within writtin."
John (X) Loomis
Theis being wittnesses: John (X) Lunt, Richard Kimbould
1619, May 29. Will exhibited in Court
1619, June 21. Will proved by the Executer, his son Joseph.
Christen | 9 Jan 1562 | Thaxted, Essex, England | |||
Marriage | 30 Jun 1589 | Shalford Parish Church, Messing, Essex, England - Agnes Lyngwood/Linwood | |||
Death | 1619 | Braintree, Essex, England |
Spouse | Agnes Lyngwood/Linwood (1565 - 1619) |
Child | Joseph Loomis (1590 - 1658) |