Individual Details
Stephen Angell
(Ca 1705 - Jan 1772)
The Last will and Testament of Mr. Stephen Angell late of Johnston aforesd. Yeoman, Deceased, was presented unto This Council and Read, and Ruth Aldrich, Benjamin Belknap, Job Potter, Abraham Belknap, whose Names are thereunto Subscribed as Witnesses, all personally appearing in Council Excepting Ruth Aldrich and upon their Solemn Oaths Declare That they saw the Testator the Aforesd. Stephen Angell Sign Seal, publish, and Declare the Aforesd. Instrument to be his Last will and Testament, And that he was then of a Sound perfect mind and memory, and that they and Each of them Did at the Same time Subscribe their Names thereunto as Witnesses in the presence of the Aforesd. Stephen Angell and of Each Other. . . . . . . . . .
Whereupon it is voted that the Aforesd. Last Will and Testament be accepted, allowed, and approved to be a good and Lawful Will, and to be recorded--And Martha Angell, widow to the Aforesd. Stephen Angell, personally appearing in Council, and Did Not accept Aforesd. Will. . . . . . . . . .
Test. Abrm. Belknap, C. Clerk
In the Name of God amen, The Twenty Seventh Day of March in the Eleventh year his Majesty’s Reign George the Third King of Grate Britain. Anno. Dom. One Thousand Seven Hundred & Seventy one, I Stephen Angell of Johnston in the County of Providence in the Colony of Rhode Island, in New England/Yeoman/Being much Indisposed in Body. But of a perfect sound disposing mind and memory, Thanks be to God there for. Therefore Calling to mind the mortality of my Body and Knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die Do make and Ordain this my Last will and Testament, That is to Say, principally and first of all I give and recommend by Soul into the hands of God that gave it and for my Body I recommend to the Earth to be Buried in a Christian Like and Decent manner at the discretion of my executors hereafter Named and as Touching Such worldly Estate as it hath pleased God to Bless me with in this Life, I Give, Devise, and Dispose of the same in the following manner and form. To Wit----
Imprimis. I Give and bequeath unto my Son William Angell all my real estate lying in said Johnston and in Smithfield or waresoever it may be found, To be and remain unto him my said Son William Angell, his Heirs and assigns forever. I also give my said son William one pair of oxen, two Cows, two heifers, and one bull and eleven Sheep.
!Item. I Give to my True and Loveing wife Martha Angell, one cow and one mare...Together with other household furniture sufficiant to keep house with at the Discretion of my Executors hereafter named, and also one good feather bed and furniture, all which to be at ther Disposal as She Thinks Proper.
!Item. I give to my son Gideon Angell, one good feather bed and furniture, and five sheep to be paid within year after my decease by my Executors hereafter Named.- - - - - -
!Item. I give to my son John Angell, five sheep to be paid within one year after my decease by my Executors.
!Item. I give to my son William Angell all my right in the saw mill, commonly known by the Name of Olneys Mill.
!Item. I give nothing to my four sons Namely, Christopher, Ezekiel, Charles, and James by reason they have had their portions given to them before.
!Item. I give nothing to my two daughters, Namely Sarah Eddy and Marther Angell by reason they had their portions given them when married.
!And thereby Nominate, make and appoint my two sons Daniel Angell and William Angell to be my Executors to this my Last Will and Testament hereby ordering them to pay my Just Debts out of my moveable estate and the residue/if any/I give equally between my said Executors for Their Trouble in Settling the Estate. Utterly disalowing revoking and disanuling all and Every other former Testament Willls Legacies Bequeaths and Executors by me in any ways before This time Named Willed and bequeathed Ratifying and Confirming this and No other to be my Last Will and Testament. In Whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and seal the day and year first before mentioned- - - - - - - - - -
! Signd. Seald. Publishd. and Declard.
by the Aforesd. Stephen Angell to be his
Last Will and Testament in the pres. of
Ms. Ruth Aldrich
Benjm. Belknap
Job Potter
Abrm. Belknap
Stephen Angell (Seal)
Recorded the 21st Day of September 1772
Abrm. Belknap, Council Clerk
And Daniel Angell and William Angell, who are Named as Executors in the foregoing Will, Both personally appearing in Council accepted Aforesd. Will and prayed that they might have Letters of Administration of the personal Estate of the Aforesd. Stephen Angell Deceast. Granted to Them - - - - - -
Whereupon it is voted that Letters of Administration of the personal Estate of the Aforesd. Stephen Angell be granted to the Aforesd. Daniel Angell and William Angell according to the Tenor of Aforesd. Will- - - - - - -
Therefore these are in his Majestys Name George the Third King of Grate Britain. To authorize order and impower you the Aforesd. Daniel Angell and William Angell, to take into your possession care and custody all and singular the Goods and Clothes, Rights and Credits of the Aforesd. Stephen Angell Decd. and therefore to administer according to Law and the Will of your Testator and in all Things to act and do as the Law requireth and impowerth Executors relating the possessions and true and perfect accounting to render to This Council or to their successors in Aforesd. office when you are thereunto Lawfully called how you have administered Aforesd. estate with others your Doings thereon- - - -And for your so doing This Shall be your sufficient authority.
Given at a Town Council held in Johnston in the County of Providence on the 25th Day July in the year of his Majestys Reign AD 1772
Signed Seald with the Seal of Aforesd. council - - -
per order of Abrm. Belknap, C. Clerk
Johnston, RI Probate Records 1:81-86
Birth | Ca 1705 | ||||
Marriage | 16 May 1728 | Providence, Providence County, Rhode Island - Martha Olney | |||
Death | Jan 1772 | Johnston, Providence County, Rhode Island |
Spouse | Martha Olney (1707 - 1793) |
Child | Gideon Angell (1744 - ) |
Father | John Angell (1677 - 1744) |
Mother | Sarah Clemence (1687 - 1725) |