Individual Details

Capt John Wilson

(14 May 1822 - 24 May 1896)

Email Post on OCHGS, 10 Jan 2012, Joel Myers

Captain John Wilson

Died at his home at Station Camp Creek, Estill Co, Sunday May 24, 1896, 74 years of age, cancer. Buried there in the family graveyard. He commanded a company in the 8th Ky Inf and was the first to put the flag on Lookout Mountain at Chattanooga in "Fighting Joe Hooker's" famous battle. He was a farmer, a Democrat and a member of the Methodist Church. Leaves a wife and a number of children. Born in Estill Co. May 14, 1822 and lived there all his life. He joined the Masons on Sept 20, 1861.
RC May 27, 1896

Note: Captain Wilson was married to Sarah A. Bowman daughter of Elisha Williamson Bowman and Sarah Sally McMonigle. Sarah was the granddaughter of Cornelius Bowman Sr. The flag the 8th carried is in the possession of the Kentucky Historical Society.
Served in Civil War, 8th KY Regt., Vol., Hero in the Battle of Outlook Mountain.

Buried Wilson Cem, est co ky, Stone Inscription "Hero of the battle of Outlook Mountain. Fought 25 Nov 1863. Pointing to the rock on high, to the flag that never goes down to the promised by and by to the triumph and the crown." One source states death date as 12/12/1908.
From a journal in possession of Hume Park of Richmond, Ky in the 1950's was kept by his gr uncle Almansor Ward Scholl of Estill Co Ky during Civil War.
Capt Wilson made up a company of men in Est Co in the 14th of Sep 1861. On 23 Sep, Capt Wilsons company, the Eighth Regiment Kentucky Volunteers, was sworn into the Us Army at Irvine. Scholl gives many of his experiences notably a battle near Stone River in TN in which many died. Among them were Sgt Baker (CoI), Martin Thomas, Co C, Ike Thomas Co H. Last recorded date of Journal is May 1864. Info from Mrs Rachel Wagers, Shoals, W Va in 1955.

RE: the conflict in the death date of Capt John Wilson as 1896 vs. 1908
Here is the FindAGrave info and picture of his marker....

I checked for any Wilson, including alternate spellings in Estill Co born between 1810 and 1830 - that might have been in the 1900 census - and Capt John did not seem to be there.


Birth14 May 1822
Death24 May 1896Estill County, Kentucky
MarriageSarah A. BOWMAN


SpouseSarah A. BOWMAN (1826 - 1900)