Individual Details

Katherine Mylde

( - 1403)

Katherine Mylde married first, Sir Thomas Clopton. Following Sir Thomas’ death, Dame Katherine married Sir William deTendring, Knt., of Tendering Hall, Stokes-by-Nayland, County Suffolk. It is believed those claiming Clopton ancestry through William Clopton, Gentleman, of Eastwood, County Essex, and York (now New Kent) County, Virginia and his wife, Ann (Booth) Dennett are descendants of both these marriages.

The Church of Saint Mary, Stoke by Nayland, County Suffolk, is located about 6 miles southwest of Hadleigh. It is next to the timber framed guildhall and is considered one of the loveliest and most ornate churches in Suffolk. The north chapel is the earliest, dating from the early 14th century. Brass funeral effigies in the south chapel include those of Dame Katherine Mylde, the widow of Sir Thomas Clopton, and the second wife of Sir William de Tendring, whose brass is near by. Also in the south chapel are the brasses of their daughter, Lady Alice de Tendring and her husband Sir John Howard. Near by is brass of Lady Katherine Moleyns, the wife of their grandson, Sir John Howard. The Register dates from 1545.


MarriageAft 1383Sir William de Tendring
MarriageSir Thomas Clopton


SpouseSir Thomas Clopton ( - 1383)
ChildWilliam Clopton ( - 1446)
ChildThomas Clopton ( - )
SpouseSir William de Tendring ( - 1421)
ChildAlice de Tendring ( - 1426)