Individual Details

John Nelson Adamson

(30 Aug 1845 - 7 Nov 1922)

1880 Census. Union Township, Union Co, MO, Hh 204
N. J. Adamson, age 33, farmer, b. Indiana, parents b. Ohio [an error]
Malinda, age 22, b. Illinois, parents b. Ohio

1900 Census.
Quincy, Ward 2, Adams Co, Illinois, Hh 67
John N. Adamson, b. Aug 1846, age 53. Teamster, b. IN, birthplace of parents unknown.
Emma A., wife, b. Jan 1864, age 36. Has had one child and was born in Iowa
Lillie M. Pettijohn, stepdaughter, b. Dec 1883 in Illinois, age 16.
Nine boarders live with the family.

1910, Quincy, Ward 2, Adams Co Illinois, Hh 26
John N. Adamson, age 64, married 1 time for 26 years. Born IN, father b. NC, mother b. SC
Emma, wife, age 46. She says married 1 time, but Lillie was her daughter, not John Adamson's. Has had one child. Born Iowa.
W. E. ?Kinson, son-in-law, age 46, married 1 time for 10 years, b. Ohio
Lillie M., wife, age 26, has had 1 child, born Illinois.
Ella W. daughter-in-law [obvious error since she's a granddaughter], age 1

I have tried repeatedly to get John N. Adamson's pension file but it continued well into the 1920's and is not at NARA. To date I have not been able to retrieve the file through th Freedom of Information Act at the Department of Veterans Affairs.. The pension payment card images, 1907-1933, are available at which does prove the file is for the John N. Adamson in Quincy, IL and that he is the John Adamson who was a Corporal in Co A, 130th IN Infantry. He received his Invalid pension; the disability not listed on the card. His widow was Emma A. Adamson. She received a final payment dated 19 Jul 1926, sent to 710 Vermont St., Quincy, IL; but John N. had died 7 Nov 1922. I did not find a card for further payments to her.

Jan 2012. My request of 22 November 2010, was received 2 Jan 2012 - a different department had taken over the requests for Civil War & Spanish American War records and I received a stack of probably 125 papers at no charge.

John N. Adamson was a Corporal in Co A, 130 Indiana Volunteer Infantry, having enlisted 4 Dec 1863, as a private, and was discharged 2 Dec 1865, a corporal; considered to have 2 years, 11 days of service. He originally filed 1 Apr 1892 but was rejected when no real medical disability was found. He claimed chronic diarrhea, lung disease, deafness. By 6 Nov 1899, he was admitted to the pension rolls with a double rupture - $6 per month to begin on the date of his original application, 1 Apr 1892. Through the years he reapplied - sometimes denied but by 24 May 1921, his pension had increased to $72 per month.

Strangely enough there were two Declarations of Invalid Pensions both dated 29 Mar 1892, he stated his age as 46 and appointed John W. Slade, M.D. his attorney. On one he said that at Nashville, TN in the summer of 1864 he contracted chonic diarrhea and a heavy cold which gave him disease of the lungs and caused deafness in both ears. The other form has a notary's name and signature, no mention is made of Nashville, and he states he suffers from double rupture and general disability. I suspect this latter form is the one by which he was able to obtain his pension.

On 15 Jun 1892, three doctors found him to have none of disabilities specified. Other than the chronic diarrhea, lung disease, and deafness he also claimed to be suffering from rheumatism first felt at Atlanta GA during the summer of 1864. No evidence was found although he did have a double hernia. He was at this time age 46, 5' 8 1/2" and weight 142 pounds.

No record was found in the War Office of his having been in Co A, 130 Indiana, dated 26 Jun 1893.

On 1 Aug 1892, Ema Meyerand [who would become his wife in 1889] made affidavit stating she had known John N. Adamson for 9 years. When he boarded with her about the year 1885, he suffered greatly with rheumatism, so much so that she had to help put on his stockings and shoes for about four months. He complained of his throat and lungs and often told her husband he had been ruptured. She had Adamson as a boarder for about the last seven years.

30 Jun 1893, William A. Beaver, age 26, made affidavit. He had known Adamson for 12 years and worked with him the past seven years in the express business. He remembered Adamson received the rupture on the left side about August of 1885 while lifting some heavy article he was moving. In the summer of 1889, he rupture the right side in the same manner. Beaver was working with him at the time. On the same day, William Whittaker, age 34, also a fellow worker, testified to the same. John's own affidavit, dated the same day, stated that in 1885, he began working for John F. Mayback, now deceased, and about July or August of 1885 rupture the left side; in the summer of 1889 he ruptured the right side. They were not the result of vicious habits and are permanent in character.

Although examining doctors did find evidence of rupture, and he wore a double truss, it was decided he was still fit for manual labor in such a degree as to earn his own support.
By 1899-1900, it was evident that only were his ruptures worse, but he was also suffering from heart disease and asthma.

There is an affidavit dated 5 Oct 1903 by Ancil B. Phillips, age 70, and Elizabeth A. Phillips, age 68, who lived at 516 West Jackson St., Muncie, Indiana. They were husband and wife. Brother-in-law and sister to John N. Adamson. They knew that when he came home from the War he was afflicted with chronic diarrhea and rheumatism and severe cold which seemed to affect his ear. This condition had continued to the present time from personal observation except for the last fourteen years when we have not seen him but been in continuous correspondence with him. He has been a suffered ever since his discharge. Both signed.

An affidavit dated 7 Oct 1903 was made by John F. Wildman, age 61 years 9 months, living in Muncie IN. He was 1st Lt. and acting adjutant of the 130th Regt and remembers that John Adamson was afflicted with rheumatism while on a march after the battle of Nashville, 1864. That Col. Charles S. Parrish, Commanding said regiment on observing his condition, ordered him to leave the ranks on said march.

At some point, they did find records of him, because the War Department furnished the following description in 1908. He was age 18 at enlistment, 5'8" tall, hazel eyes, dark hair, born at Randolph Co, Ind. His name found as J. N. Adamson, and John N. Adamson.

John died 7 Nov 1922, and Emma soon applied, on the 26th of December. She was allowed $30 per month, beginning the date of her application. She had married John Adamson on 27 Dec 1899; a second marriage for both. Effective 12 Jan 1934, her pension was increased to $40 per month.

When John first applied he was living at 524 Vermont St., Quincy, Adams Co IL In 1903, the address was 425 N. 7th St, quincy, but listed as 702 Vermont St in 1907, which continued to be the address that Emma gave on her application. Her payment cards show various addresses: she moved from Vermont to 137 Locust Street before 29 May 1939; her address changed to 1505 N. 6th St in July of 1941; and on 27 Nov 1941, her address was reported to be 1417 N. 3rd where she seemed to be living when she died 15 Jun 1948.

John N. Adamson filled out a form, 22 Mar 1915, that provided a great deal of important genealogical information. He was born Randolph Co, IN, 30 Aug 1845. He enlisted in Tampico, Howard Co, IN, near Kokomo. Emma's maiden name was Pettyjohn and they were married 27 Dec 1899 by James Mayes in Adams Co, IL. John's first wife was Malinda Fuller, who he married 3 Aug 1873 in Marion Co., Missouri. Malinda died 20 Nov 1881, Lewis Co, MO. Emma had been married to Henry Meyerand on 23 Jan 1892, but they divorce 29 Dec 1898. Her former husband was never in any military service. His children were Simon Adamson, born 27 Nov 1876; died 12 Sep 1878, and Mary Adamson, born 6 May 1881, Lewis Co, MO, still living.

There are two handwritten notes in the file, John's handwriting. 15 May 1916, he explained that the town where they lived in 1850 was Bloomingsport, Randolph Co, IN - 10 miles south of the county seat which was Winchester. When he enlisted in 1863 they lived in Tampico, his father Simon Adamson was postmaster when he enlisted - Kokomo was 5 miles northwest of Tampico. His brother Spencer E. was a soldier in the 60th Regt. Ind. Vol. Infantry, Co. E. Spencer was born 19 Dec 1840 and died 6 Apr 1863 at Milikens Bend La. Elizabeth A. was born Aug 21st 1835. Catherine M. was born Nov. 28, 1843. John N. was born Aug. 30th 1845.
On 13 Jun 1916, he stated when he lived with his parents Simon and Anna Adamson in Tampico, Howard Co in the summer of 1860 - Tampico was the name of the post office. He was 70 years old on 30 Aug 1915.
There was some problem in 1916 about confirming his whereabouts in 1850 and 1860 - I found both censuses although the pension department seemed unable to do so. In 1850, Simon and family was in Perry Township, Wayne Co, IN. In 1860, John's family was enumerated as "Adams" although the names, ages, etc. reveal the family to certainly be his; the family was in Washington Twp, Randolph Co IN, not having moved to Howard Co as John had remembered. Perhaps it was his memory lapse that made locating them difficult. On more than one occasion, John insisted they were living in Bloomingsport in Randolph Co in 1850 and in Tampico, Howard Co in 1860.

Another form dated 7 May 1921 reveals that John was discharged at Charlotte, NC. He was 5'8" tall, dark hair and eyes, and had been a farmer. Since the War he had lived at Bloomingsport, IN, Moravia, Iowa, Macon City, MO, and Quincy, IL. By that year, his disabilities included cardiac problems, asthma, double hernia, and general infirmities due to old age. He did apply for a possible increase in pension 21 May 1921.

A letter from Emma Adamson, dated 21 May 1921, states that John's physical condition is such that he requires her personal attention nearly all the time; he is confined to bed about half the time, the rest of the time is able to sit up in a chair, or walk from one room to the other, if assisted. Waiting upon and looking after him requires most of her time, and he is quite childish and wants someone near him all the time.

Medical Examination on 29 Jun 1921 shows he has had heart disease for several years. His weight was given as 90? pounds and described as "old man", very poorly nourished. His heart was irregular, lungs wheezy, double hernia, poor vision but no cataracts, poor hearing, especially in the left ear. The doctor said he required constant aid in dressing & undressing and required regular attendance.

A copy of John's death certificate from the State of Illinois was in the pension file. He was living at 710 Vermont St., Quincy when he died on 7 Nov 1922 of bronchitis complicated by asthma. No date of birth was given but he was born in Indiana. His occupation had been apple packer at William Produce Co. His father listed as Simon E. Adamson, his mother as Anna Elliott, both born in North Carolina. No informant listed. He was buried Graceland Cemetery on November 11th, Quincy.

On 12 Mar 1923, Emma Adamson stated that Henry Meyerand had obtained the divorce from her on grounds of desertion. She also revealed that John's full name was John Nelson Adamson. She furnished the marriage certificate and the divorce decree. They refused the certificate saying it had no seal. A later copy was sent on 8 Feb 1926 over the signature of the Court Clerk. The divorce decree is in the file; Emma did not appear or contest the divorce. Emma married Meyerand on 23rd Jan of 1892 and left him on the 29th of March, the same year.

10 Mar 1923, Chris Bever, age 76 of Quincy deposed for Emma. He had known her more than 40 years; she was a cousin to his wife. He knew her before she married Meyerand, her maiden name being Emma Pettyjohn. He knew when they were married and that she had not previously been married - that he obtained a divorce from her on the grounds of desertion. About 1899, she married John N. Adamson and lived with him as his wife until his death and she has not remarried. I was acquainted with John N. Adamson for many years prior to his death and know that he was married about 1873 to Melinda Fuller, his first marriage, and she died about 1881 and he was a widower until he married Emma Meyerand which was his second and last marriage.

Testimony in support of Emma's marriage to John included an affidavit dated 26 Feb 1926 from Cordelia A. Ashmore at the Soldiers & Sailors Home in Quincy. She had known the soldier prior to his marriage to Melinda Fuller in 1873; his first wife died in 1881 and he remained a widower until he married Emma in 1899 with whom he lived until his death. Emma has not remarried. Emma Davis made affidavit on 8 Feb 1926 that she knew the soldier and the claimant for about 40 years. John was married but once prior to his marriage to Emma and the first wife died. Emma and John lived together until he died and she has not remarried.

For reasons unknown, Emma had not continued to pursue obtaining the pension for about three years which made the Pension Department suspicious and they ordered a Special Examination of some of her witnesses with Charles F. Cain as Inspector. On the 16 of June, 1926 he examined Emma Davis. She was age 63, the wife of thomas Davis. She stated what she had said previously. she did add that Emma had a daughter Lilly who had stayed with the Davises a good deal. On June 14th, Mr. Cain examined Cordelia A. Ashmore at the Soldiers home and she stated she was age 81, the widow of Richard A. Ashmore, a Civil War soldier and she was a pensioner. She had known John Adamson a year before he married Melinda Fuller. Melinda had worked for Cordelia and her husband before she was married and John had worked for Mr. Ashmore when the railroad went through. She remembered when Melinda died - her husband had gone to the funeral and he is buried in the same cemetery as Melinda. There was a daughter who married and lives in Quincy, but she didn't know her married name. Mr. Cain reported the two ladies as credible and of good repute except that there were some years when Cordelia Ashmore was living in Missouri and John Adamson was already in Quincy when she was not in contact. Both testified they knew that Emma had not remarried.

Pension was granted as of 19 Jul 1926 and was retroactive to 26 Dec 1922.

Emma gave her date of birth in 1934 when she wrote to ask if she was entitled to an increase in her pension. She was born 12 Jan 1864 and had reached the age of 70. Her pension was increased from $30 to $40 per month. She continue to draw her pension until she died in 1948.

John and Emma are buried Gracelawn Cemetery, Quincy, Adams Co, IL


Birth30 Aug 1845Randolph County, Indiana
Marriage3 Aug 1873Marion County, Missouri - Malinda Fuller
Marriage27 Dec 1899Quincy, Adams County, Illinois - Emma Pettyjohn
Death7 Nov 1922Quincy, Adams County, Illinois


SpouseEmma Pettyjohn (1864 - 1948)
SpouseMalinda Fuller ( - 1881)
ChildSimon Adamson (1876 - 1878)
ChildMary Adamson (1881 - )
FatherSimon Adamson (1806 - 1889)
MotherAnna Elliott (1812 - 1862)
SiblingElizabeth A. Adamson (1835 - )
SiblingSpencer E. Adamson (1840 - 1863)
SiblingCatherine Manerva Adamson (1843 - )
