Individual Details
Elizabeth [Merrill}
( - Aft Sep 1843)
Rejected Pension NC R7126
Application for Pension from National Archives
State of Alabama)
Marshall County ) On the 25th day of September 1843 personally appeared before the subscriber and acting Justice of the peace in and for the county and state aforementioned Elizabeth Merrill wife and relict of Charles Merrill deceased who first being duly sworn according to Law doth on her oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefits of the provisions made by the Acts of Congress passed 4th day of July 1838 and the 23rd August 1842 granting pensions to Widows of persons who served during the Revolutionary War - That she is the widow of Charles Merrill who was a soldier of the Revolutionary War but how long he served, she is not able to declare She only knows of one person in this county who was known to the service and marriage of her husband (viz) Peter Headrick who lives 200 miles off
She also declares that she was married to the said Charles Merrill on the 23 day of May Seventeen hundred and eighty five That her husband died on or about 14 Oct. 1822 that she was not married to him prior to his Commission of Service. but the marriage took place previous to the first of January Seventeen hundred and ninety five (viz) at the time above Stated She further declares that she is still a Widow - She hereby relinquishes any claim which was to a pension annuity except to present what her entitlements is with any Pension within the acuity in any state in the Union.
Sworn to and subscribed on this day and year above written before.
Jessee Tipton Justice of the Peace
In agitation to the above she also declares that she is befallen health from age and is sickly? of attending in court of Recorder as is required if well.
Elizabeth Merrill (MARK)
We Isaac Moore and William S. Sibley residing in the county and state aforesaid hereby certify that we are well acquainted with Elizabeth Merrill who has subscribed and Sworn to the above declaration that we believe her to be (blank) years of age and that She is represented and believed in the neighborhood where she resides to be the Widow and relict of Charles Merrill decd a Revolutionary Soldier as She declares and that we concur in that opinion. Isaac Moore William A. Sibley
Sworn and subscribed the day and year aforesaid before me Jessee Tipton A Justice of the peace from the county and State aforesaid.
Washington T. May Judge of the county and state aforesaid do herby declare my opinion officiating the making of the claim of Elizabeth Merrill The above named applicant is the Widow of Charles Merrill died a Revolutionary soldier and who is so reputed in the neighborhood where she lives - And I do further state that Isaac Moore and William S. Sibley are credible presenters and that their Statements entittled to credit.
I Richard Randles clerk of the county court of Marshall county and State of Alabama do herby certify that Judge Tipton whose name appears to the above declaration is an acting Justice of the Peace and his oath and doings entittled to full facts and credit given under my hand and Seal
(having no Seal of office This the 25th day of September 1843 Testo Richard T. Randles Clerk
... do hereby certify that Richard T. Randles whose name appears to the above Certificate as clerk of the county and State aforesaid is clerk of the county court and his oath and doings entittled to full faith and credit as such. Given under my hand and Seal this the 25th day of September 1843
Washington T. May Judge
Affidavit of John Cunningham
I John Cunningham of the county of Cherokee and state of Alabama was personally acquainted with Charles Merrill the deceased Husband of the applicant Elizabeth Merrill in the state of North Carolina roan County. That he was always known and reported as a Revolutionary Soldier in the county in which he lived and died - and that Elizabeth Merrill was the lawful Wife of the aforesaid Charles Merrill that She has never married Since the decease of her husband - that she is Still lining or was at the time this declatory was made out on the day and date above specified - that She is a very infirm and helpless old Lady and her Statements are entittled to the greatest confidence to pass so far as the recollection of her impaired memory can Swear ---Her marriage took place as Stated above in the declaration
I also further declare that Charles Merrill was a Son of Benjamin Merrill who was hung by the British at Hillsboro North Carolina—
Sworn to and Subscribed before me R. E. Sawyer Justice of the Peace John Cunningham
E. Sawer Justice of peace in for the county and State aforesaid this 22nd November 1843
Elizabeth ? Merrill was living with her son Benjamin and his wife Margaret in Marshall County, Alabama at the time of her death.
Marriage | 23 May 1783 | Rowan County, North Carolina - Charles Merrill | |||
Death | Aft Sep 1843 | Marshall County, Alabama |
Spouse | Charles Merrill (1761 - 1822) |
Child | Benjamin Merrill (1791 - 1853) |