Individual Details

Daniel Gwyn

(21 Mar 1751 - 2 May 1833)

Daniel Gwyn has not ever been connected to the Gwyns of Gloucester Co, VA, but the occurrence of some of the given names among his children suggests he might well have been the son of Richard Gwyn, reportedly born about 1738, Gloucester Co; married perhaps 1764, Sarah Ransome; moved about 1769 to Wilkes Co, NC Although Richard seems too young to be the parent of Daniel, many of the "facts" of the Gloucester Gwyns have been confused and it's possible he was older than indicated.

There was in advertisement in the Virginia Gazette, 23 Jul 1767
"Gloucester, July 20, 1767. As I intend to leave the colony this fall, I must request the favour of all those who have any demands against me to come immediately and settle, particularly those demands on account of gaming.....Richard Gwyn". Richard is thought to probably have been the son of Hugh Gwyn.

Daniel is believed to have been a Revolutionary War soldier.

Caswell DB B, p.82
29 Oct 1782 State of NC #365 to Daniel Gwin. 148 acres, Country Line Crk on guilford County line, near Nathan Rice, his old line, now William Eaks.

Caswell DB F, p.322
14 Aug 1789 Daniel Gwinn and wife Zipporah to Thomas Harden of Guilford for 150#'s. 158 acres adj Guilford line, Nathan Rice, William Eaks. Wit: Jere Poston, Wm Hornbuckle, David Poyner

Caswell DB K, p.54
25 Apr 1797 Thomas Rice to Daniel Gwyn for 166.13.4 pounds. 177 Acres, Country Line and Moon's Creeks adj Samuel Moore.

Caswell DB K, p.344
16 Jan 1799 Daniel Gwynn to John Dyson of Halifax Co VA for $100. 61 acres on Moon's Creek adjacent Richardson, Beaver. Wit: Jas. Somers, Benj Wilkerson.

This deed places Daniel as a neighbor to the Holderness, Brookes families:
Caswell DB N, p.57
27 Sep 1799 William Holderness to Zachariah Groom for 100#'s, 111 acres on Country Line Creek, adjacent Boyd, Capt. Graves, Daniel Gwyn. Wit: Thos. Brooks, Robt. Holderness.

Caswell DB Q, p.467-8
25 Jan 1812 David Boyd to Daniel Gwyn, for $500. 150 acres on Moon's Creek adjacent Brooks, Graves, and Page. Also signed by James Boyd. Wit: Thomas Gwyn, Dorothe Gwyn.

Caswell DB R, p.238
12 Apr 1814 Charles Harrison to Daniel Gwynn for 100 #'s. 150 acres adj Brooks, Graves, Page. Wit: Thomas Ruffin, Joseph Bracken

Caswell DB R, p.354
11 Oct 1815 Whereas the Moon's Creek mill pond of Thomas Graves overflowed on 3 acres of Daniel Gwynn - for $75 Graves can continue his mill overflow on this land. Wit: B. Yancey.

Caswell DB T, p.54
14 Nov 1818 Daniel Gwyn Sen and David Boyd to Thomas Graves, $1200, 150 acres on Moon's Crk adjacent Brooks, Page. Wit: Joseph Payne, Armistead Watlington

As seemed to be the custom in Caswell, an aging Daniel begin to distribute his property prior to his death.
Caswell DB Z, p.38
30 Mar 1830
Daniel Gwyn Sen. to Lyttleton A. Gwyn for $1200. 277 acres on Country Line & Moon's Creeks adj Ibzan Rice. Wit: William Graves, Robt Holderness.
6 Apr 1830 Daniel Gwyn Sen to L. A. Gwyn for $700, two negro slaves, Carrington & Cincinnatus. Wit: William Graves, Robt Holderness.
3 Mar 1830 [probably 30th of March] Daniel Gwyn to Dorothy Gwyn, $800, four negroes: Catherine, Edy, Alfred & Peter. wit: Wm. Graves
30 Mar 1830 Daniel Gwyn to John Gwyn, for $1025, Negroes Austin, Valentine, Joshua. Wit: William Graves, Robt. Holderness

July Court 1833
Book M 1833 Page 342
Daniel Gwyn--Will--w.29 Apr 1828. Wife Zipporah to have land and house & all property for her life. Zeri Gwyn one dollar, but Zeri's children to have his part. Daughters Jane and Dorothy. Sons Hugh, Daniel, Richard, John and Lyttleton Gwyn. Exec: Son Lyttleton A. Gwyn. Wit: Wm. Graves, Elijah Graves.
Oct Court 1833
WB M, p.354 Inventory notes of estate of Daniel Gwyn decd., all doubtful. Wm. H. Heritage, 1826; John Humphreys, 1823; Robert Hill, 1826; Bird Read, 1807; James & Daniel Jennings, 1812; Andrew Haddock, 1801.
p. 355 Inventory of property of Daniel Gwynn, dec'd. by L. A. Gwynn, Exec.
p.361 Sale of property of Daniel Gwyne, 30 Sep 1833. buyers included Hugh Gwynn, Martin M. Mims, Richard Gwynn, John Gwynn, Rice Gwynn, Robert Madding, etc.


Birth21 Mar 1751
Marriage7 Feb 1776Zipporah Rice
Death2 May 1833Caswell County, North Carolina


SpouseZipporah Rice (1756 - 1829)
ChildJames Gwyn (1774 - )
ChildElizabeth Gwyn (1776 - )
ChildZera Gwyn (1778 - 1840)
ChildWilliam Gwyn (1783 - )
ChildJane Gwyn ( - )
ChildThomas Gwyn (1786 - )
ChildDorothy Gwyn (1788 - 1844)
ChildNancy Gwyn (1790 - )
ChildHugh Gwyn (1791 - )
ChildDaniel Gwyn (1793 - 1834)
ChildRice Gwyn (1795 - 1872)
ChildRichard Gwyn (1796 - )
ChildJohn Gwyn (1799 - )
ChildLittleton Ayers Gwyn (1801 - 1853)