Individual Details

Lovel Poindexter

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A Lovel Poindexter is Albemarle Co VA tax list 1787. I believe he must be this man, mentioned in the will of John Poindexter in 1772. It is notable that Chapman Poindexter is found in Albemarle Co at the same time and he did state in his pension application his residence in Albemarle.

Chapman Poindexter served as power of attorney for some of the Via family from Albemarle Co after he had moved to Halifax. A Lovell Poindexter in Halifax, also was acquainted with the Via family from Albemarle Co. 1 Oct 1800, Halifax Co, Lovell Poindexter was bondsman fro the marriage of William (x) Smith to Elizabeth Vier, who stated she was of the age of 21. This would seem to be too early a record for the Lovell found later who was born approximately 1793.

A Lovel Poindexter also appears in the marriage records in Halifax Co VA - if he is the same man from the will he would have been well into middle-age. He had been assumed to be the same by some; he has been placed him as a son of Bond Veale Poindexter which seems unlikely since the earlier Lovel belongs in a different place. I believe he is instead a younger Lovel Poindexter, possibly a son of the Lovel named in the Orange Co NC will, or one of his brothers, perhaps Chapman. The younger Lovel is shown married to Martha Hardrick, 1 Mar 1821; Mary Hardrick provided bond and was probably her mother.

There is only one Lovel, or anyone of similar name, found in the following censuses. The age is consistent enough to believe he is the younger Lovell Poindexter.

The 1830 Halifax Co Va Census has been semi-alphabetized. A "Lovern" Poindexter is age 30-40 and has in his household, 2 females under age 5, 2 females age 5-10 and a female age 30-40. Listed next to him is a Mary Poindexter with two ladies age 40-50 in her household. She might be Lovel's mother.

In 1840, the younger Lovel was still in Halifax, this time as Lovell Poindexter with a male age 5-10 and a male age 30-40. There was a female under 5, one age 5-10, a female 10-15, and a female age 30-40. He was in the Southern District of Halifax, as was "Bondy" Poindexter, age 50-60.

By 1850, Lovell Poindexter was in the southern District of Patrick Co, VA, household 536. He gave his age as 57. There was a Charity age 27 and several Nelson children, Rachel Nelson 16, William 14, Nancy 12, and James 6. Also in the household was Edward Poindexter age 3 and a Poindexter male, not yet named, age 7 months. Possibly Lovell had taken a much younger wife, Charity Nelson, and was providing for her siblings as well.


Father? John Poindexter ( - 1772)
MotherElizabeth [Poindexter] ( - )
SiblingWilliam Poindexter ( - )
SiblingJohn Poindexter ( - )
SiblingChapman Poindexter (1760 - 1851)
SiblingThomas Poindexter (1765 - )
SiblingFrancis Poindexter ( - )