Individual Details
Samuel Bryan
(1756 - )
Samuel served in the Revolution; his wife applied for his pension, file W-9366. As part of her proof of marriage to Samuel she submitted a paper of his ancestry as written for his son Luke. Here is the outline of his family. [spelling is as found, but some commas added for clarity]
My great grandfather Bryan was Dane, born in Denmark & raisd in that Kingdom where he married a wife & lived until he had a sone born whome he called Morgan after which he removd to Ireland where he livd until said Morgan came to manhood who left his father in Ireland & came to Pensylvania in America where he married a soman by the name of Martha Strode, the daughter of a man by the name of Strode, a Hollander, who had moved to France where he resided with his wife until he had three children, he & his wife being Protestants, in time of a great persecution fled for their lives, bound for Pensylvania in America, but himself & wife Sickened on the seas & died before they arived to the end of their voige, the vesel landing in Pensylvania where the children were provided for by some of their shipmates & were bound out until of lawfull age the names of those children were Jeremiah Samuel & Martha [Strode],who lived in Pensylvania until of legal age when the above named Morgan Bryan married said Martha Strode by whom he had seven sons & two daughters, Namely, Joseph, Elenor, Mary, Samuel, Morgan, John, William, James & Thomas. He removd from Pensylvania to a creek called Opecon near Winchester in Virginia where he resided until several of his children were grown & married, after which time he removd to the Yadkin river in Rowan County, North Carolina, where he lived until his death. Where his sone William, my father coming to the age of 22 years married Mary Boone, daughter of Squire Boone, the 1st, & sister of Colo. Daniel Boone the explorer & settler of Kentucky. Squire Boone who was from the west of England to Pennsylvania where he maried Sarah Morgan, of Welch extraction by whom he had twelve children Eight sons & four daughters which were named Sarah, Israel, Samuel, Jonathan, Elizabeth, Daniel, Mary, George, Nathaniel, Edward, Squire, & Hannah; with his wife & these children he removd from Pensylania to Rowan County in North Carolina where he resided until his death.
William Bryan with Mary his wife lived in Rowan County No. Carolina until they had ten children namely Samuel, Daniel, William, Phebe, Hannah, John, Sarah, Abner, Elizabeth, & Mary, with his wife & these children he removed to Kentuck in the year of 1779 & setled at a place called Bryans Station on Elkhorn Creek in Fayatte County where the Indians killed him & his son William, while hunting for gaim for the support of the family; Samuel the oldest of these children, Maried Mary Hunt on the 5 day of October 1775 - she was daughter of Colo. Jonathan Hunt & Isabella his wife of Rowan County No. Carolina who was of English extraction but born & raisd in New Jersey. Samuel Bryan & Mary his wife lived in Carolinia four years after marriage & had two children when they moved to Kentucky in the year 1779 in which State they reside at present. They had eleven Children, Ann, Phebe, William, Abner, Luke, Thomas, Sarah, Mary, Daniel, Hampton, & Samuel, with whom they reside at present in Campbell County, Ky. January 1, 1830.
[more is added in another hand and too faint to be read; it appears to be the added history of son Luke, his marriage and perhaps the marriage of his children]
At present 1834 we reside with our children Luke & Thomas in Marian County, Indiana. Saml & Mary Bryan.
Birth | 1756 | Rowan County, North Carolina | |||
Marriage | 5 Oct 1775 | Rowan County, North Carolina - Living |
Spouse | Living |
Father | William Bryan (1732 - 1780) |
Mother | Mary Boone (1736 - 1819) |
Sibling | Daniel Bryan ( - ) |
Sibling | William Bryan ( - ) |
Sibling | Phebe Bryan ( - ) |
Sibling | Hannah Bryan ( - ) |
Sibling | John Bryan ( - ) |
Sibling | Sarah Bryan ( - ) |
Sibling | Abner Bryan ( - ) |
Sibling | Elizabeth Bryan ( - ) |
Sibling | Mary Bryan ( - ) |