Individual Details

Jonathan Wade

(1612 - 13 Jun 1683)

Jonathan deposed September 1678 that he was aged about 64 years.

Jonathan and Susanna came on the Lyon, 1632, living first in Charleston. Jonathan is know to have made return trips to England in 1657 and 1658 and in 1699. He was a merchant and tavern keeper.

Jonathan Wade and Susanna his wife were admitted to Charlestown church, 25 May 1633. He was designated as a freemn, 14 May 1634. He was a party to numerous lawsuits for debt, most often as the plaintiff and he owned many tracts and lots of land, both in New England and old England.

Jonathan is said to have served in the militia as Lieutenant and Colonel and had duty in King Philip's War.

The probate of the estate of Jonathan was difficult and extended - not until Nov of 1686 was it settled. Several wills had been made out but all had flaws and the court declared Jonathan Wade intestate. Eventually all three sons were made joint administrators and a will dated 22 May 1669 was annexed to the administration. This will provided that Wade's lands in England be equally divided among his three sons, Jonathan, Nathaniel & Thomas. Jonathan and Nathaniel to divide the farm at Mystic. Thomas to have the land and mills at Ipswich. Other lands were divided. Two sons-in-law were named - Anthony Crosby and Elihu Wardell - both called "sons".


Birth1612Norfolk, England
MarriageCa 1631England - Susanna [Wade]
Death13 Jun 1683Ipswich, Essex County, Massachusetts


SpouseSusanna [Wade] (1610 - 1678)
ChildMary Wade (1633 - )
ChildJonathan Wade (1637 - 1689)
ChildPrudence Wade (1639 - )
ChildSarah Wade (1641 - )
ChildElizabeth Wade (1644 - )
ChildMaj. Nathaniel Wade (1648 - 1707)
ChildThomas Wade (1650 - )