Individual Details

Elizabeth Donoho

(1775 - Ca 1849)

Said to be in the 1850 Caswell Mortality Census.

Elizabeth was the daughter of Thomas Donoho and Keziah Sanders. His will is recorded in Caswell WB K, p.58. It mentions his wife Fanny Johnston [a second wife], sons Archimedes, Sanders & Dixon, and a granddaughter, Mildred Watlington. He requested his sons proved for daughter Elizabeth Watlington by providing a suitable home for life.

Elizabeth, or Betsy, applied for her husband's military pension after the Act of Congress that paid to widows if they had married the veteran prior to 1 Jan 1794. Date of her application, Caswell Co, was 8 Oct 1840. She was then age 65. She had married John Watlington on 6 Sep 1792, and her husband had died 6 Feb 1812.
Her Certificate of Pension was issued 28 Jul 1843 - $400 per annum to begin March, 1843.

Elizabeth's mother Keziah Donoho testified, 8 Oct 1840, that she was present at the marriage of Betsy to John Watlington on 6 Sep 1792, William moore was the Minister, of the Baptist Denomination. Another testimony by Keziah Donoho stated she was the widow of Maj. Thomas Donoho, who she had married in 1774 and that Elizabeth was born in 1775.


Marriage6 Sep 1792Caswell County, North Carolina - John Watlington
DeathCa 1849Caswell County, North Carolina


SpouseJohn Watlington ( - 1812)
ChildKeziah Saunders Watlington (1792 - )
ChildElizabeth A. Watlington (1790 - )
ChildFrances Donoho Watlington (1802 - 1881)
ChildMildred Watlington (1802 - )
ChildHiram S. Watlington (1806 - 1852)
ChildThomas Watlington ( - 1833)