Individual Details

John Thomas

( - Jul 1802)

Internet databases state that John Thomas was born about 1745 to Hans Michael Thomas and his wife Barbara who had come from Schifferstadt, Pfalz, Germany.

There is a will, dated 3 May 1784, of Michael Thomas, Washington Co, Maryland. It is a second will and basically provides for the children and widow of his deceased son Christian Thomas. The widow was Catharine and the children were Elizabeth, Daniel, Gabriel and Margaret. The description of the property they are to receive met the line of fence of Jacob Thomas. In the event the widow remarried again, she was to deliver up the land to Michael Thomas Jr and Peter John Jr, Trustees to deliver the land to the children when the youngest turned twenty-one. Thomas signed with "MT". Witnesses were Conrad Hogmire, Peter John, and Jacob Thomas.
25 Sep 1784, Peter John & Michael Thomas proved the will at Washington County Court.

The name of John's first wife and the mother of several of his children is unknown. The birth order of the children is also unknown - they are listed here in the order they were in his will. I believe the daughters were likely older than sons John and Alexander, as apparently they had not previously received any bequests.

The Last Will and Testament of John Thomas, deceased
In the name of God. Amen.
I, John Thomas of Washington County
and State of Maryland, farmer, being of sound
Judgment and understanding do make this my
last Will and Testament as following. - First I leave devise and bequeath
unto my Dear wife Eleanor Thomas during her natural life all my real and
personal Estate with all the buildings and appurtenances thereon, together with
all my goods and chattels rights and credits of whatever nature or denomina-
tion they be, she my said wife paying all my Just Debts, funeral expenses, the
following legacies, to the payment whereof I subject my said real and per-
sonal estate. Secondly, I devise and bequeath unto my sons Kelly Thomas
and Ranny Thomas when of age
to them and their heirs and assigns for
ever eighty acres of Land it being a part of the tract I now live on and to
be laid out as follows, to wit, beginning at the Pennsylvania line and
running from thence Southerly with the lines of Jeremiah Stillwell's
Land until it joins the Lands of William Long, thence Westerly with the
dividing line between said Long's Lands and mine and from thence
Northerly to the Pennsylvania line so as to form an oblong square of
eighty acres of land, the reason of my leaving the above eighty acres to
my sons Kelly and Ranny is in lieu of Bonds which I hold from
the Estate of the late John Breathed. Thirdly, I devise and bequeath unto
my Daughter Eleanor and Rachel Thomas and my son George Thom-
as when of age
or on the days of their marriage their proportions of
all my personal Estate which is one fourth to each and one fourth
will remain to my wife and I further devise to my said Daughters, Elea-
nor and Rachel Thomas and my son George Thomas equally amongst
them from and after my wife's decease the whole of my real Estate, Except
the eighty acres before mentioned to them their heirs, and assigns forever.
Fourthly, I leave unto my son Samuel Thomas seven shillings and
six pence. to my son John Thomas my negro Boy (Sam) at any time
my said son John Demands him, the said Boy to be no charge to my
said son John from this time until demanded. To my son Alexander Thomas
my negro Girl Beck and fifty pounds current money together with the
Charley Colt now a yearlin when my said son arrives at the age of
eighteen years which chattles are to be delivered to him at that time clear of
any charge. To my dear wife my negro fellow Jacob, to my Daughter Polly
Yates and Joseph Yates
seven shillings and six pence, to my Daughter
Ann Graves and John Graves
seven shillings and six pence, to Elizabeth Long my daughter
and William Long
, seven shillings and six pence, to my Daughter Susan-
na Yates and William Yates
seven shillings and six pence, to my Daugh-
ter Priscilla McFarren and Alexander McFarren
seven shillings and
six pence. Lastly, I nominate my Dear wife Eleanor Thomas
and he Brother Ranny Breathed, the Executors
of this my last will. In
Witness whereof I have hereunto put my hand and seal this the twenty-
_____ day of June 1802. Signed Sealed and Declared by the Testator as

and for his last Will and Testament, in presence of use who at his request wit-
nessed the same in his presence and in the presence of each other.
John Watt, Elias Stilwell, John Hunter. John Thomas

Washington County, Sct.
On the 31st day of July 1802 came John Hunter one of the sub-
scribing Witnesses to the within last Will and Testament of John Thomas late of
said County Deceased, and made oath on the Holy Evangely of Almighty God
that they did see the Testator herein named sign and seal this will that he
heard him publish, pronounce and declare the same to be his last Will and
Testament, that at the time of his doing he was to the best of their apprehensions
of sound and disposing mind, memory and understanding and that he subscrib-
ed his name as witness to this will in the presence of and at the request of the
Testator and that he saw John Watt and Elias Stillwell the other subscribing
witness, do the same.
Certified by
Thos. Belt, Reg.


DeathJul 1802Washington County, Maryland


ChildKelly Thomas ( - )
ChildGeorge Thomas ( - )
ChildEleanor "Ellen or Nelly" Thomas (1791 - 1856)
ChildRanney Thomas ( - )
ChildSamuel Thomas ( - )
ChildJohn Thomas ( - )
ChildAlexander Thomas ( - )
ChildPolly Thomas ( - )
ChildAnn Thomas ( - )
ChildElizabeth Thomas ( - )
ChildSusanna Thomas ( - )
ChildPriscilla Thomas ( - )