Individual Details

Nathaniel Lea

( - Ca 1855)

Will of Nathaniel Lea
Caswell County Court of Please and Quarter Sessions
October Court 1855
Will Book R 1855-1856
Page 352

Will written 1 March 1855: Desires burial at the burying ground of relative and friend George Williamson. Several negroes who have served well in his long and painful illness to go to friend Thomas J. Brown and he should take care of such slaves and their issue. Brown to have slaves only for his life then Milly to select her master and remainder to whomever she selects. If Milly dies, Mary Ann or Mariah to make selection. $300 to Thomas J. Brown to maintain slaves. 200 acres land to Thomas J. Brown on south side of home tract adjacent to James Poteat and main road near George Williamson's blacksmith shop, also to Brown his dining room table, silverware, earthen ware. To Dr. N. L. Graves $500; to Nathaniel Johnston, Nathaniel L. Lindsey, and Nathaniel Lea son of Thomas Lea, each $250. Remainder of slaves to children of deceased sister Delilah Graves wife of Jerry Graves, to sister Elizabeth Graves, and to brother Thomas L. Lea. Children of A. C. Lindsey by his first wife Elizabeth to have the share their mother would take if living. Remainder of estate to be sold and divided as above. Executor not to collect any charges on shop book as they may not be accurate. To friend Dr. James E. Williamson Senr. $500. Nephews James, John L., George, Benjamin, Thomas L., and Weldon E. Williamson, sons of George Williamson, all real estate excepting that willed to Thomas J. Brown. In division of slaves, families to be kept together. If any relative attempts to dispute will, he will forfeit all interest in same.

Executor: Friend Thomas J. Brown (who qualified)
Witnesses: C. D. Vernon, James Poteat

Petition 21285819 Details
Location: Caswell, North Carolina
Salutation: To the Honorable Judge of the Court of Equity for Caswell County
Filing Court and Date: Equity, 1858-January-6
Ending Court and Date: Supreme, 1860-June
General Petition Information
Abstract: In 1855, after a lengthy illness, slave owner Nathaniel Lea died, bequeathing his land and slaves to various family members. During his life, the heirs assert, Lea permitted a family of slaves, including his nurse Milly, to act as free persons; he also gave Milly "some twelve or fifteen hundred dollars." She turned the money over to Thomas D. Johnson, who signed a promissory note with a "third person." Now the heirs claim that the executor of Lea's estate should pay them this amount, arguing that any property given to a slave should go to them.
Result: rejected
# of Petition Pages: 10
Related Documents: Reports of Cases in Equity, Supreme Court of North Carolina, December 1859--August 1860, pp. 379-82
Pages of Related Documents: 4
People Associated with Petition 21285819
Slaves: 1
Free Persons of Color: 0
Defendants: 10
Petitioners: 20
Other People: 1
Citation Information
Repository: North Carolina Department of Archives and History, Raleigh, North Carolina
Records of the North Carolina Supreme Court
Document Number 8407
Source: Digital Library on American Slavery.


DeathCa 1855Caswell County, North Carolina


FatherJohn Lea (Canebrake) ( - 1839)
MotherHannah Slade (1767 - )
SiblingRebecca Slade Lea (1798 - 1837)
SiblingDelilah S. Lea (1799 - 1838)
SiblingElizabeth Lea ( - )
SiblingThomas L. Lea (1806 - 1867)
SiblingSidney Slade Lea (1810 - )
SiblingJohn G. Lea ( - )
SiblingMary Lea ( - 1838)