Individual Details
Nancy Ruth Parish
(27 Aug 1884 - 30 Jul 1962)
Nancy was buried Rose Hill Cemetery, Wapanucka, Johnston Co, OK.
Here is her mother's obituary:
In memory of Mrs. W. S. Parrish
The angel of Death visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Drain of Coleman, Okla., February `9, 1930, and took from them Mrs. Drain's mother, Mrs. Jennie E. Parrish. At the time of her death she was almost eight-one years of age. About two years ago she suffered a stroke of paralysis since which time she has been an invalid. She was always cheerful and appreciative, putting to shame those of more fortunate condition, who at times find fault with their lot.
A sweeter person never lived, she radiated love and goodness from her affliction and pain. None visited her but felt it was good to have been there as unknowingly she made a deep impression for all who entered her home. A purer, nobler character never lived; to know her was to love her. Truly earth's loss is Heaven's gain.
Mrs. Parrish was born March 3, 1849 near Milan, Tennessee; was the daughter of W. A. and Ruthie Taylor. She united with the M. E. Church, South, in early life and was one of its most active and zealous worker until her health failed.
On December 7, 1874, she was married to W. S. Parrish. To this union seven children were born, five of whom survive her.
Mr. and Mrs. Parrish moved to Lamar County, Tex. in 1896. In 1912 they came to Coleman where they have resided since.
The funeral services were conducted at 11 o'clock Friday morning at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Drain, by the pastor of the M. D. church, Bro. Peak. He paid a beautiful tribute to the life that had passed beyond. Interment was made in the cemetery at Wapanucka.
"Mother Parrish," as she was called by her friends, leaves to mourn her passing, her husband, W. S. Parrish, and their children who were present at the funeral, Herbert Parrish, Muskogee, D. W. Parrish Of RobertLee, Texas; Mrs. D. S. Fry, Ladonia, Texas,: Mrs. N. H. Heath, Coleman, and Mrs. W. T. Drain, Coleman, and there are also seven granchildren.---By 'A Friend."
Birth | 27 Aug 1884 | Gibson County, Tennessee | |||
Marriage | Bef 1920 | Dr. Samuel Doak Fry | |||
Divorce | Aft 1930 | Dr. Samuel Doak Fry | |||
Death | 30 Jul 1962 | Ada, Pontotoc County, Oklahoma |
Spouse | Dr. Samuel Doak Fry (1866 - 1948) |