Individual Details


( - Bef 6 Jun 1749)

King, J. Estelle Stewart
ABSTRACTS OF WILLS, INVENTORIES & ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNTS OF FREDERICK COUNTY, VIRGINIA, 1743-1800 Cemetery inscriptions, rent rolls, and other data. Genealogical Pub. Co., 1980, Baltimore
YOUNG, James
Will, 14 Feb 1748/9 6 June 1749
Wife to have plantation until children come of age Names son John & Dau Ann
Exrs: Wife Jane, son John, Abraham Frey

Jane is thought to have been a second wife.

FREDERICK FINDINGS: Vol. 9, #1, Spring 1996 , p.13
Inventory of the Goods & Chattels of James Young Dec'd 4th Aug 1749.
Appraisors were William Evins, Robert Richeson, James Covill. Total of the estate to include a black mare & colt and several other horses, cows, sheep, crops of Wheat & rye, clothes and household goods, a gun was £64.15.4. There was a loom & spinning wheel, but no books or looking glass.
At a Court held for Frederick County [VA] on Tuesday 8th August 1749. This Appraisment of Estate of James Young Deceased was presented into Court by Jane Young & Abraham Frey, Executors & admitted to record.


DeathBef 6 Jun 1749Frederick County, Virginia


ChildAGNES ANN YOUNG (1730 - 1809)