Individual Details

Iverson B. Carter

(1826 - )

1850 Census. Elizabeth Walters lived in Yanceyville in Caswell Co NC. Age 65. Value of Real Estate is $1666. Living with her is Iverson B. Carter age 24, born VA, and Susan Carter age 24, born in Caswell, and John, age 2. Also Mary Walters age 4, born in VA. [Mary is a step-grandchild, one of the orphaned daughters of Archibald's son Alexander; her sister Nancy, age 7, was living with her uncle Azariah Graves Walters in 1850.]

North Carolina Marriage Bonds show a marriage from Susan Gatewood to Iverson B. Carter on 27 Nov 1847 in Caswell Co. Next household to Elizabeth Walters is Rebecka Gatewood, age 75.
Rebecka Gatewood, age 75, living next door was the step-grandmother of Susan Gatewood Carter. She was the widow of Dudley Gatewood [died ca 1836] and had been his second wife. Susan's father believed to be Lewis Gatewood, born 24 Oct 1785. His mother was the 1st wife of Dudley Gatewood, Elizabeth Dix.

In the Carter book there is the statement that Mr. Iverson Carter, an aged gentleman [son of Stewart Carter] lived near Danville, and wrote that his uncles Peyton, Paschal, and William settled at Dandridge, Tennessee, and that his father, Stewart Carter, removed to Alabama where he died. About 1840 the widow and her children returned to North Carolina.


Marriage27 Nov 1847Caswell County, North Carolina - Living


FatherStewart Carter ( - )