Individual Details
Benjamin Ratcliff
(1724 - Ca 1811)
Benjamin sold land in Johnston Co, NC in 1754 to Robert Fellows, probably his uncle. He is thought to have married Jane Porter in Johnston Co.
Contributed by Mike Brown in VA,
Dec 2016
Due to loss of records in colonial Dobbs and Johnston Counties, NC, there is limited direct evidence of family relationships for many families including the Ratcliffs from MD. For the moment, the best I can do is offer the 1749 will of Nicholas Porter, father of Jean/Jane Porter and father-in-law of Benjamin Ratcliff, and a few Johnston County, NC deeds to establish links. Circumstantial evidence (being a Quaker and being one of a small group of Ratcliffs in Johnston and Dobbs Cty) links Benjamin to John Ratcliff of Talbot Cty, MD. Nicholas Porter came from Surry Cty, VA with the Farmers to Edgecombe Cty in the early 1730s and moved about 1745 to Craven/Johnston Cty.
Will of Nicholas Porter, dated 24 Aug 1749, proved Sept Court 1749, Johnston County, NC.
Daughters: Jeane Porter ("mannor plantation and 100 acres"), Elizabeth Porter and Ann Porter (143 acres of land to each), Agnes Porter (143 acres of land). Son: Samuell ("my pole cat land"). Wife and Executrix: Elizabeth. Executor: James Farmer. Witnesses: Needham Bryan, Mary Dees. Clerk of the Court: Richard Caswell. (Source: Abstracts of NC Wills, By: J. Bryan Grimes, Secretary of State, 1910, Page 297, original will is at the NC archives.)
Johnston Cty, NC Deeds.
These deeds show that Jane Porter, daughter of Nicholas Porter, married Benjamin Ratcliff. They show that the couple had at least one son (Porter Ratcliff) who died single and without issue, and at least 7 daughters to include Phereby, Sarah, Anne, and Rachel (DB Y-1, p. 251.)
DB TR-1, p. 163, Nov Ct 1770, will of Emmanuel Dees. Wit: Jean Ratcliff, Needham Bryan, William Farmer. (Other deed and court records show the Dees and Ratcliffs were neighbors).
DB H-1, p. 305, 15 Oct 1776, William Farmer to Nicholas Farmer, 100 acres being a tract granted to James Farmer as by patent dated 20 Apr 1745 … Wit: Benjamin Ratcliff, Pherebe Ratcliff, Jean Ratcliff. (MEB – my ancestors)
DB K, p. 319, 30 Dec 1779, NC State Grant #313 to Porter Ratcliff, 200 acres on SS of Nuce (Neuse) River on Guin’s line, head of Hearns Branch.
DB U, p. 135, 21 Oct 1786, John Vinen to Jeremiah Powell, 1/7 part of lands of Porter Ratcliff died, from 534 acres granted to Thomas McClendon & 1/7 part of lands patented by sd Porter Ratcliff on 30 Dec 1779, which land fell to Sarah Vining sister of sd Porter Ratcliff & wife of sd John Vining, coheired with 6 sisters.
DB V, p. 57, 21 Oct 1786, Shadrack Vining, Burk Cty, GA, to Jeremiah Powell, 1/7 part of lands of Porter Ratcliff & 1/7 part of lands he patented on 30 Dec 1779, land fell to Phereby Vining sister of sd Porter Ratcliff & wife of sd Shadrack Vining who heired with her six sisters.
DB S-1, p. 108, 13 Feb 1787, William Bridgers to Jeremiah Powell, 140 acres on Neuse River that was given by Nicholas Porter to his daughter Elizabeth by his last will … & I afsd Bridgers do warrant every part of my right of the afsd land … wit: William Farmer, Feb Ct 1792.
DB S-1, p. 262, 4 Mar 1792, Benjamin Ratcliff of Washington County, GA, leased 100 acres to William Guy of Martin Cty, NC, on NS Neuse River, same tract whom Nicholas Porter devised to his daughter Jane Porter, whom the sd Benjamin Ratcliff married … Wit: Shadrack Vining, Samuel Harrell. Nov Ct 1792.
DB S-1. p. 291, 17 Mar 1792, Samuel Harrell to Wm Guy, … land devised by Nicholas Porter to daus Elizabeth and Anne, & land devised to son Samuel Porter. Wit: Nicholas Farmer.
DB W-1, p. 222, 20 Feb 1796, Shadrick Vineing & wife Pharaba Vineing, Birk Cty, GA, to Nathan Powell, Johnston Cty, NC, sells all claims to 1/7 part of lands of Porter Ratcliff dec’d contained in the lands of Nicholas Porter dec’d plus one other tract that was granted to Porter Ratcliff lying on Hearn’s Nest Branch which lands fell Pharaba Vining sister to Porter Ratcliff & wife of sd Shadrick Vineing who heired with her six sisters the lands of their brother Porter Ratcliff. 7 Nov 1796, Jefferson Cty, GA, consent of Pheriby Vining.
DB W-1, p. 487, 31 March 1797, Jonathan Parker & wife Anna formerly Anna Ratliff of Washington Co. GA to Nathan Powell of Louisville GA for $200, all right & title to 1/6 part of lands in Johnston Co being the prop. of Nicholas Porter dec. also 1/6 part of land poss. by Porter Ratliff, dec, in Johnston Co. Wit: Joseph Chears, Jno Searcy, Redden Ratliff. Signed: Jonathan Parker, Anna (X) Parker. Anna Parker priv. exam. by Edward Bryan, JP, & Charles Ray, JP 31 March 1797.
DB X, p. 77, 3 Apr 1798, Samuel Harrell of Green(e) Cty, GA, to William Guy of Johnston Cty, NC, 175 acres land patented by Thos McClendon in 1738 and Pettegrove Salsbury in 1754, and 143 acres being at the lower end of sd Thos Mackclendols survey containing Beals Neck it being the same land whom Nicholas Porter devised to his daughter Agness Porter…
DB X, p. 136, 5 Nov 1798, Rachel Ratcliff, Jefferson Cty, GA, to Nathan Powell, same, her part of 3 tracts in Johnston Cty, NC, her part by heirship of lands of Nicholas Porter originally patented by Thos McClendon, Thos Farmer and Porter Ratcliff (70 acres). Wit: John Vining.
DB Y-1, p. 251, (part missing, date about 1800), Nathan Powell to John Smith Jr, 200 acres, all his part of land granted to Porter Ratcliff lying on Hearns Nest Branch on SS Neuse River, the right may more fully be known by having reference to the deeds given to said Nathan Powell by Pheraba Vining, Sarah Vining, Anne Parker, and Rachel Ratcliff who were the heirs of sd Porter Ratcliff … Wit: Ben Farmer.
Birth | 1724 | Talbot County, Maryland | |||
Death | Ca 1811 | Jefferson County, Georgia | |||
Marriage | Jeane Porter |
Spouse | Jeane Porter (1725 - ) |
Child | Pherebe Ratcliff (1755 - 1826) |
Father | JOHN Ratcliff (1694 - 1771) |
Mother | SARAH Fellow (1704 - ) |
Sibling | Joseph Ratcliff (1720 - 1790) |
Sibling | JOHN Ratcliff (1725 - 1803) |
Sibling | Sarah Ratcliff (1725 - 1801) |
Sibling | Moses Ratcliff (1725 - 1810) |
Sibling | William Ratcliff (1730 - ) |