Individual Details

Charles F. Rough

( - )

In 1841, Charles Rough and his wife, along with the other heirs of Rebecca's father, petitioned the court for sale of her father's real estate. Both her parents were deceased. Her father had by his will directed the children to inherit when Rebecca reached age 21; she was at the time of the petition age 20. The land was sold and they received their share; Charles signed a returning bond for the money and invested it. In 1849, he returned to court stating that Rebecca had died. The other heirs quit claimed all right and title to the funds. Heirs at law of Rebecca were stated to be her sister and brothers; apparently she had no children.

The only Charles Rough I could find in the area in 1850 was in Rowan Co. He was age 39 and had an apparent spouse, Rosanna, age 42. They had two small children: Joseph age 2 and Elizabeth, one month old.

There is a marriage in Rowan Co for Charles Rough to Rosanna Stouck on 7 Feb 1848. Presumably Rebecca died prior to that date.


SpouseRebecca Haden (1821 - 1847)