Individual Details

Marmaduke WILLIAMS

(6 Apr 1774 - 29 Oct 1850)

Member of the NC State Senate in 1802. Moved to Huntsville, Madison Co AL in 1810, and to Tuscaloosa in 1818 where he was a member of the Constitutional Convention of Alabama and 1819. He was a candidate for governor that same year, but was defeated. He served 11 terms in the Alabama legislature and Judge of Tuscaloosa County Court (1832-1842.

"Few counties can present citizens whose services are entitled to more respect, and whose devotion to the welfare of the State, was more sincere than Caswell. Many of her sons have gone to other States, Mississippi, Alabama, and elsewhere, and whose talents have been shown and virtues acknowledged by their adopted country by elevating them to high and distinguished positions.

Marmaduke Williams was one of these. He was born in Caswell County on the 6th of April 1772, married Mrs. Agnes Harris, whose maiden name was Payne. In 1802 elected to the State Senate, and the next year elected to Congress to succeed his brother Robert Williams, who was appointed by Mr. Jefferson, Governor of Mississippi. He remained in Congress until 1809. In 1810 he removed to Alabama, Tuscaloosa County, and was a delegate from that county to the convention which formed the Constitution. In 1832 elected a Judge of Tuscaloosa County. He died on the 29th of Oct. 1850."

Source: Historical Sketches of North Carolina from 1584 to 1851, John H. Wheeler, Compiler (1851) at 78.

WILLIAMS, Marmaduke, (1774 - 1850)
WILLIAMS, Marmaduke, (cousin of John Williams, of Tennessee, Lewis Williams, and Robert Williams), a Representative from North Carolina; born in Caswell County, N.C., April 6, 1774; completed preparatory studies; studied law; was admitted to the bar and practiced; member of the State senate in 1802; elected as a Republican to the Eighth, Ninth, and Tenth Congresses (March 4, 1803-March 3, 1809); was not a candidate for renomination; moved to Mississippi Territory in 1810 and later to Huntsville, Madison County, Ala.; in 1818 settled in Tuscaloosa, Ala.; delegate to the State constitutional convention in 1819 and the same year was an unsuccessful candidate for Governor of Alabama; member of the State house of representatives 1821-1839; judge of the Tuscaloosa County Court 1832-1842; died in Tuscaloosa, Ala., October 29, 1850; interment in Greenwood Cemetery.
Biographical Directory of U.S. Congress, online.

There are records of two Marmaduke or Duke Williams living in Caswell. I believe this Marmaduke lived on Horsley Creek. He seems to have suffered some financial reverses. It is possible both men had property on Horsely so I cannot be sure which record belongs to which man. More often than not, this man seems to go by MDuke in the records.

Caswell DB H, p.351
30 Jan 1794 Cornelius Dabney to Duke Williams for 100#'s, 140 acres on Horsley's Creek adj David Poyner. Wit: Samuel Williams.
p.432 28 Apr 1795 Duke Williams to John Lenox of Rockingham Co NC, 140 acres on Horseley's Cr adj David Poyner. Wit: Asa Thomas

1800 Census. Hillsboro, Caswell Co NC [Both men were in this district]
Marmaduke Williams: 2m under 10, 1m 10-16, 1m 16-26 [he was likely just 26]
2f age 16-26

Caswell WB E, p.25
Election held 11 & 12 Aug 1803 at court house of Caswell Co for member of Congress to represent the ninth district. Votes to each candidate:
Anthony Brown 2
Theo Lacy 135
Wm Nash 82
Marmaduke Williams 601
Signed: Wm. Rainey, sheriff. George Williamson & Starling Gunn, inspectors; Robert H. Childers & James Gunn, clerks.

Caswell DB O, p.249
Oct 1803 Robert Goodloe to MarmaDuke Williams for 1000#'s, 157 1/2 acres on Horsely Cr both sides Dixe's Ferry Rd adj Pepper; another tract of 7 acres, part of tract granted Timothy White adj John Dill. Wit: C. Harris, Christopher Brooks

Caswell Co NC Will Book E, p.262
July Court 1806 Asa Thomas and Nathan Williams, Judges for election, certify that MDuke Williams got 675 votes and Thos. Lacey got 145. Election was held 14 and 15 Instant.

Caswell DB P, p.328
15 Jul 1807 MDuke Williams recd of Conrad Kneeson, $900 for surrendering note dated 12 Nov 1806 which note is due by Gov. Robert Williams of Mississippi Territory and pd as his security to John Stamps. MDuke assigns all right, title to note against Robert Williams to Kneeson and mortgages negroes Jane, Thom, John & Judy to repay debts if Robert Williams fails to do so.
Robert Williams was his brother - this is undoubtedly this Marmaduke's record.

Caswell DB P, p.365
27 Jun 1808 John Stamps sheriff to McCain & Jeffreys of Rockingham Co NC by virtue of execution against MDuke Williams for 207#'s 18s 2p. Goods & chattels of MarmaDuke Williams sold to satisfy debt, 300 acres on Horsley Cr adj William Nash, Mrs. Williams, William Owen, David Poyner, said tract Williams purchased of Robert Goodloe, sold to highest bidder McCain & Jeffreys.

Caswell DB Q, p.153
24 Dec 1809 MDuke Williams and Agness his wife to Alexander Walker for $800, 319 acres on Horsley's Cr being tract where MDuke Williams lived and part of the Shannon tract adj Thomas Poyner. Wit: Thomas Poyner, Larkin Balkwin, John White, Thos. Humphreys

Cawswell DB Q, p.218
10 Apr 1810 John Stamps, Sheriff to Azariah Graves Jr & Griffin Gunn, merchants. Henry Dixon obtained judgment against goods & chattel & lands of Marmaduke Williams for 338#'s 6s. 347 acres on Horsley Cr adj Robert Brown, William Berry, Walker, sold to Graves & Gunn as high bidder at 300#'s.

DB R, p.37
5 Dec ___[likely 1812] MDuke Williams to Thomas Poyner, 21 acres head of br Horsley Cr aside Dixe's Ferry Rd adj David Poyner. Wit: Hezekiah Bowell, Leroy Poyner.

Caswell DB R, p.115
7 May 1811 Duke Williams to Hezekiah Boswell for $1500, negro man London, his wife Winny & children Peter & Agnes; also livestock. Wit: Thos. Graves.

Caswell DB R, p.299
28 Mar 1810 Duke Williams to Azariah Graves for $10,000. 845 1/4 acres on Horsley Cr to Hart's Road, adj Mrs. Hart's field to County Line Cr., Cotton Matkins. Wit: MDuke Mitchell, John W. Graves.


Birth6 Apr 1774Caswell County, North Carolina
Marriage25 Dec 1798Caswell County, North Carolina - Agness PAYNE Harris
Death29 Oct 1850Tuscaloosa County, Alabama


SpouseAgness PAYNE Harris (1775 - 1850)
FatherNathaniel WILLIAMS (1741 - 1805)
MotherMary Ann Williamson (1744 - 1803)
SiblingRobert WILLIAMS (1766 - 1836)
SiblingNathaniel WILLIAMS (1768 - )
SiblingMary "Polly" WILLIAMS (1776 - 1852)
SiblingJohn WILLIAMS Jr. (1777 - 1870)
SiblingAnn "Nancy" WILLIAMS (1780 - )
SiblingElizabeth WILLIAMS (1784 - )
SiblingRebecca WILLIAMS (1787 - )
SiblingLucinda WILLIAMS (1791 - )