Individual Details

Rev. Aaron Burr

(4 Jan 1716 - 24 Sep 1757)

Aaron graduated from Yale in his 19th year, having gained one of three Berkeley scholarships which entitled him to two more years of study. During his post-graduate years he was converted and turned his attention to theology. At 22 he became pastor of the Presbyterian Church in Newark, NJ. Here he established a school for boys and prepared for his students a Latin grammar, long used at Princeton. In 1748, he became president of Princeton College. He resigned from the church in Newark in 1756 and moved to Princeton. He is said to have died from overwork.


Birth4 Jan 1716
Marriage29 Jun 1752Esther Edwards
Death24 Sep 1757


SpouseEsther Edwards (1732 - 1758)
ChildSarah Burr (1754 - 1797)
ChildCol. Aaron Burr (1756 - 1836)
FatherLt. Daniel Burr (1660 - )
MotherElizabeth Pinckney (1672 - 1722)
SiblingMary Burr ( - )
SiblingDavid Burr ( - )
SiblingRev. Moses Burr ( - 1740)
SiblingHester Burr ( - )