Individual Details

Susannah Bosworth

( - )

Susannah was the daughter of Benjamin Bosworth.

Benjamin Bosworth, a hatter by occupation, came from
Boston about 1814 and settled in Towanda township on
the Willis Fisher place. He was a soldier of the
Revolutionary war and served an enlistment of
nine months in the company commanded by
Captain King, Colonel Marshall's regiment of
the Massachusetts line. In his affidavit of
Sept. 11, 1820, asking the benefits of a
pension, he sets forth that he is a hatter
by occupation; that his family consists of
himself, wife, Mary, aged 68 years, grandson,
Peter B. West, aged 12 years and a granddaughter,
Amy Bosworth, aged 14 years. Mr. Bosworth died
Dec. 27, 1847 in his 94th year and was
inhumed at Cole's. A daughter, Susannah,
married Williston West and after his death,
John Haithorn.
WorldConnect file by Rodney McCormick "Isham McCormick", updated 5 Apr 2006.

Additional information from the Pension File S40013 includes his stated age as 66 in Sep of 1820. He was no longer able to work and his wife much debilitated. He owed debts to Benjamin Bosworth Jr. and to Benjamin West.

1820 Census, Burlington, Bradford Co PA
Benjamin Bosworth: 1m 10-16, 1m +45, 1f 10-16, 1f +45 [the makeup of this household agrees with his pension application]
Benjamin Bosworth: 3m -10, 1m 16-26, 1f 16-26

1830 Census, Towanda, Bradford Co PA
Benjamin Bosworth, age 80-90, 1 female in the house age 70-80

1840 Census, Burlington, Bradford Co PA
Benjamin Bosworth, age 85, Revolutionary Pensioner
Living in the household of John Haythorn.
1m 5-10, 1m 20-30, 1m 40-50, 1m 80-90. 1f 5-10, 1f 10-15, 1f 40-50 [presumably daughter Susannah]


SpouseWilliston West ( - )
ChildWilliston West (1795 - 1874)
ChildBenjamin West (1800 - 1860)